PART 1: The Inter-dimensional Portal

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It was on the 11th of September in the year 2015 when Johnny Test decided to explore Mary and Susan's lab while they were spying on their hunky neighbor, Gil.

Doke the Talking Doge was with him at the moment, and Johnny Test found something extraordinary.

It was a portal gun that would travel to any dimension.  It was a prototype, but Test was a dare devil.

The first thing Johnny and Doke did was use the portal to travel to the homeland of Barry the Bee.

Once they used it, Johnny Test was surprised at what this portal was capable of.

Immediately, Doke started smelling for Barry's Man-Juice while Johnny was calling out for Barry.

It was about three hours later that they found Barry jizzing all over his pancakes for honey.

"Hey Barry", said Test.  "We come from another dimension that is dank.  Would you like to join us on the adventure to search for Shrek? We cannot do this alone."

Barry gladly accepted.  After Johhny, Doke, and Barry finished their soggy pancakes, they all went to find Shrek in the Swamp.  

Shrek was easy to find, since he is a fat sack of shit.  

"What are you doing in my swamp?" said Shrek.  "DONKEY!"

"The hell does your fat ass want now?" screamed Donkey.

"There's another Donkey here. He looks friendly."

"I'm a fucking DOG!" screamed Doke.  "Not a Donkey!"

"Now ain't nothing wrong with being a Donkey!" said Donkey.

"Donkey has a point.  Now why are you interrupting me on this day?  I was about to Shrexercise, but you three got in the way."  said Shrek, looking for answers.

"We were wondering if you wanted to join Barry, Doke, and me on our adventures. We have an inter-dimensional portal and we can go anywhere." explained Johnny.

"Can Donkey come too?" asked Shrek.

"Yes, but not Fiona or the babies." said Test.

"Okay" said Shrek. "On one condition.  I have heard prophecies of the to-be Lord of all Animes who can show us the way to live in love and adventure.  Since I have heard of him, I have waited to meet him. His name is stuck in my head like no other."

"This name I speak of is the one and only. He is from the non-fictional dimension." Shrek explained, " This name I speak of is none other than the new kid, moving in, getting it done; who is also officially the candidate for having some fun."

"You don't mean--" Barry started.

Shrek interrupted, "I do. The man I speak of is..." Shrek gave a pause.  "CORY."

Bee Shrek Test in the HouseWhere stories live. Discover now