(Ch1) It Started on the First Day

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A work of art is a unique result of a unique temperament – Oscar Wilde


It started on The First Day

I breathed in the fresh air that Mother Nature provided us here at Art Haven, as I took in my surroundings. It was great to be back. What has been a year since I’ve been here, felt like an eternity. I think being here last year had been the best thing to happen to me all year. Art Haven was my haven, my place of tranquillity and creativity. It was the one place I felt I belonged, where my art was appreciated.

True, back at my school, my art teacher and a few of my fellow classmates, actually did appreciate my artistic expression, but here… it was so different.

I didn’t know how to explain it, but maybe it was because, students spent an entire summer painting, sculpting, photographing – you name it, dedicating themselves to their art, their talent.

Here we weren’t judged. Okay we are, but that is solely for feedback purposes, so we can grow and develop. After all what would a summer art programme be without a little criticism?

With my wheeled suitcase and a box of my favourite art supplies I never left home without (here at Art Haven, they provided us with all the supplies we needed); I made my way up the dirt path to the main meet up place, Art Haven’s auditorium.

The auditorium was packed with returning students and quite a few news ones as well. I had only attended Art Haven one year prior to this, but with an art programme as prestigious as this one, it wasn’t that hard to pick out the new students from the old. I wheeled my case with me as I weaved in and out of embracing friends who have not seen each other since last year and groups of new students who hovered closely together, still trying to find their bearings in their unfamiliar surroundings.

They would get used to it after a week. This was said from experience. Here at Art Haven we did our best to make our new comers feel welcomed. I know I’d felt welcome when I’d first started and felt even more so after meeting my best friend, Raina.

I felt two arms wrap about my waist, squeezing me in a bear hug. Well, speak of the devil.

“You’re finally here.” She rejoiced, turning me in her arms. “What took you so long?”

“Well, hello to you too.”

“Hi, how you? I’m doing great, thanks for asking.” She rattled on. I wanted to make a point that I hadn’t asked her how she was doing, at least not yet. I knew Raina was in a hurry to get this summer started, but the question was why was she in hurry now when we were here at Art Haven? Was I missing something?

“Okay, what’s going on?” I said, hands on my hips.

She looked up at me innocently through her mop of blonde bangs that she swept aside out of her face. “Nothing, I’m just excited that we’re finally here. We’ve been e-mailing, video chatting about this since the day we had to leave last year.”

I laughed at her response. “You’re right, but don’t you think we should slow down just a bit to make this summer last?”

She mulled this over. “True,”

“And don’t I get a proper hug?” I opened my arms to her.

She smiled at me before shaking with excitement and raced into my awaiting arms. “Hey there.”

It Started with Skinny JeansNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ