☼ | fifteen.

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chapter fourteen; the skating rink; maddie pov.
time skip to the next morning.

My eyes flutter open to the sight of the window light shining in my face. I groan and turn over, groggily clutching the sheets along with me. "What time is it?" I thought to myself.

Lifting my head from the covers, I grabbed my phone clumsily and hpulled it under the covers.

I turned my phone on and quickly opened messages. I searched for Chloe, but before I could click on it, my mom walked in.

"Maddie! Get up, now." She barged in and pulled the curtains open. I flinched and groaned. "Why? Mom, it's Sunday." I moaned and pulled the pillow on my head. "We're getting you out of this, filth. We're going out today, Madison." My mom gave me a stern look.

"So get up, up, up!" She pulled the blanket off and left my room with a slam of the door.

"My god.."I muttered, I looked down at my phone, then put it back on the counter.


After taking a quick shower, I find myself in my closet, searching for something to wear. It results in me picking out, a grey sweater and black leggings, after putting them on, I rush to the bathroom and apply light makeup.

Finally, I'm running down the stairs to eat breakfast. "Hey Maddie!" My little sister Kenzie beamed, with food in her mouth.

"Kenzie, do not eat with your mouth open!" Mom scolded her, and her beam turned into a slight frown.

"Here's your breakfast, mads." The slightly taller woman handed me a plate of waffles, eggs and bacon.

I sat next to Kenzie and began to devour my food.

While eating, Mackenzie finally had the nerve to open up her mouth but this time it was empty.

"Mom, where are we gonna go?"

My mom shook her head and smiled. "Somewhere baby, it's a surprise honey." "Mooom! I wanna know!" She began to whine annoyingly.

"Hey! Keep up the whining and you won't go!" Mom snapped.

For the rest of the breakfast time, it was silent. When we all finished eating, mom handed us jackets for some reason.

"Put it on, you'll need it." She told us.

Obeying, my sister and I pulled them on and we exited our house. We got in our car and turned the radio on.

Within a few minutes, we pulled out of our parking and were on our way.


I only looked out the window once and that was to see how much it was raining. The last time, I did we parked outside a blue building.

"Pittsburgh Ice Skating Rink."

I stared and groaned groggily, I honestly did not want to be here. "Ice skating rink yay!" Mackenzie smiled and ran out the car.

"Mom, why are we doing this?" I sighed.

"Because, you haven't had fun in a while, this is fun, I want you to have fun." Mom grinned, and I slowly got out the car.

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