☼ | three.

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chapter dos; thoughts; chloe's pov.
after the mall, madison drops chloe
off at her house; time is 8:30 p.m.

"Clara!" I exclaimed in fury whilst slamming the bathroom door shut. I stomped, each step filled of anger and frustration until I finally reached my younger sister's door. Not bothering to knock, I barged in and crossed my arms at the sight. "Where is my makeup remover?" I huffed.

"I didn't take your stupid makeup remover!" Clara started to protest as she stood up against me. "Uh yes you did! You always take my things and I need to take off my makeup."

We had spent what felt like hours bickering about my missing utensil until she finally gave in. "Give it to me." I demanded as I squinted at her. The younger blonde slowly walked down towards the bathroom and came out with the makeup remover. "What the hell- your like twelve, clara. Why are you wearing make up?" I wiped at Clara's face only for a huge spot of foundation to cover the palm of my hand.

"Not everyone looks pretty without makeup, like you do Chloe." She muttered and sat down on her bed, not daring to look up. "Clara.. You don't need makeup to look beautiful. I just wear it so I don't look shitty, but you don't so you don't need to be wearing it." I attempted to make her feel better but only earned a sigh in frustration.

"I just want the boys to like me, boys like you right?" Clara asked and glared up at my face. I nodded and bit my lip at the topic of boys. "What boys?"

Clara sighed,"Johnny Orlando. He's in love with Mackenzie, I know it's wrong to like your best friend's boyfriend but I just can't help myself."

"Plus it's not like you could understand, I'm pretty sure that Maddie has her eye on you, so you don't have to worry about boys." , I gasped quietly.

"Maddie? Clara I'm not- "I protested, feeling a little bit of offense. "I never said you were, but maybe Maddie is." Clara shrugged. It only took a few more questions about Maddie and I until I felt completely uncomfortable so I left.

"Goodnight Clara, you don't have to change a thing about yourself for Johnny, you're beautiful." And I slammed the door.


After successfully removing my own makeup, I climbed onto my queen bed. My hair still wet from the shower I took, I wiped it on the blanket.

I lay down and stared at the ceiling, thinking.

What if maddie did have her eye on me?

What if she was gay, I'm not gay.

She's my best friend, she shouldn't think of me like that.

It's wrong.

I have to text her.

Maybe tomorrow chlo, you have a big day ahead of you.

Is that why she was acting up at the mall?

I like Lucas not maddie.

But Maddie is beautiful.

Her eyes sparkle in some way I can't explain every time I look
At them.

Her lips look so soft every time I'm with her.

I wonder what it would be like if I could feel them.

Maddie is beautiful.

I like maddie.

I love-

And I fell asleep.

"Goodnight Maddie."

okay yes this whole clara thing is random af
but she won't be mentioned again for a lot of chapters
so don't expect to see her a lot.

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