☼ | seven.

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chapter six; as a team; maddie's pov.
time skip to afterschool so like 6 hrs.
the girls/maddie and chlo are at dance.

I hop out of my mom's car with kenzie and slip my flats back on. I instantly regretted hitching a ride with them as soon as the car had first started and my mom had put on country music. I would have went with Chloe but she seemed flustered enough, so I thought she needed alone time. After all; it is the last day of rehearsal before the competition in two days.

I waltz into the aldc and greet Gianna. Afterwards, Kenzie and I walked into the dancers den and set our things down and began to stretch. I spotted Kalani whispering over to kendall as she stared blankly at Chloe so I decided to hop in for a few seconds.

"What are you guys talking about?" I mumbled so nor my sister or Chloe could hear us.

"We're sick and tired of watching Chloe being picked on by Abby." Kalani frowned. "We're gonna stop it- it's been happening for long enough now." Kendall added.

"We'll wait until it gets intense. Then we'll all help Chloe and disobey Abby until Chloe gets the respect she deserves." Kalani half smiled at the thought.

"We weren't expecting you to go along with it. You know you're the er-" Kendall muttered as she looked down. "Favorite. You're the favorite, now are you in or not?" Kalani said.

If getting Chloe everything she deserves, costs every opportunity I've ever had with Abby then so be it.

"Anything for Chlo." I nodded and the rest of the time we spent talking was about the plan. "We're a team so we'll do it as a team."


Gradually Miss Abby called us in for pyramid and it honestly wasn't too bad. Chloe wasn't at the bottom and I was at the top. I did feel bad but I also was proud that Chloe moved up the pyramid. We rehearsed our dance and I got a solo in the middle. Where all the girls are on the sides I'm in the center doing a pirouette and then I knee drop out of it.

Honestly, I couldn't do it. I hadn't been able to do a knee drop since I was twelve. As the dance went through, Abby stopped the music suddenly and began to walk towards me.

She pulled out her stick and pointed it straight at my forehead. To my shock she didn't hit me or yell at me, she walked back to Chloe. "You are supposed to be right behind Maddie." She stated, shoving her towards me.

I eyed Kendall and Kalani who both shared the same worried expression on their faces. She shook her head and we all resumed to doing the dance. A few minutes later, the song was over and she began to scream at Chloe and JoJo. "Maddie! Come do this part, maybe you'll get it as a solo." Abby spat loudly.

Unwillingly, I walked stiffly over to her and began to do the dance as Chloe and JoJo stare at me in pure pain and hurt "You'll get your part back when you, Chloe, when you can be a good dancer- I'd start now because you got a hell of a journey." The fat lady smirked.

I could see the tears threatening to come down her cheeks, that's when Kendall, Kalani and I decided to snap. "Abby what the hell! Chloe is an amazing dancer!" Kalani shouted as she walked up towards me, Chloe in utter shock at what was happening in front of her.

"Excuse me, Kalani if I had-" Abby would have continued but Kendall cut her off very rudely. "If you had ever told Kalani you'd make her into a star, you lied? Well guess what, none of the girls you teach dance to are 'stars.' I think that ship sailed a long while ago."

Abby's mouth was wide and so were her eyes, like saucers. "You stupid naive kids." I heard her mutter under her breath.

"What exactly is your problem, Abby? Why are you so against Chloe! She is literally the best thing that could ever happen to a dance teacher so why?" I blurted, I thought I felt a bit of regret but that was soon replaced with pride and anger. "That's it Kalani, Kendall you're done! Get out!" She pointed at the door. "Madison, you'll be damned if you ever leave this studio- I made you, little pester."

I wouldn't dare spend another minute in class with such an imbecile, so I grabbed Chloe's wrist and charged for the dancers den. I called my mother and before we knew it, she pulled up outside of the Aldc and we both got in. "What happened, girls?" Melissa immediately asked us. "Everything's okay Miss Ziegler." Chloe nodded.

"No but why are you guys so earl-"

"Don't ask questions just please drive us home, mom." I sighed and with that we left the Aldc


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