☼ | four.

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chapter three; encounters; chloe's pov.
the next morning. (excuse bad writing)

"Shut up." I mutter groggily as my annoying alarm clock goes off in my ear. I smack it repetitively until it stopped. "Just a few more minutes.." I thought and drifted off to sleep once again.

The second time I'd heard it start, I actually took the time to acknowledge what time it was. "Crap!" I cursed myself as I shot out of my bed. It was 7:15; which meant I only had thirty minutes to get ready.

"Great way to start the first day of the new semester." I thought to myself as I rushed towards the bathroom. To my luck, I hadn't broke out so there was no need to cake my face with tons of makeup as I usually did.

I brush my teeth and soon find myself in my closet; I grabbed my white jeans and 'skin color' crop top that said 'Je ne sais pas.' Which was 'I don't know' for french.

I put on my clothes and go to the bathroom to do my hair and makeup. For my hair, I just curled the bottoms and brushed it out so the result would be wavy. I applied light makeup and dabbed my mascara before I grab my backpack and head down the stairs.

"Sorry Chloe, no time for breakfast. It's already time to go."My mom shrugged and took of her cooking apron. I wasn't that hungry anyway, I greeted Clara and before I knew it, Maddie was here to pick me up.

"Bye mom." I say as I exit the house. Mom was taking Clara to school so luckily I didn't have to deal with her.

I slam the door behind me and enter Maddie's car. "Hey Chlo." She smiled at me and started the car. As soon as she turned on the music the car fell silent. I felt as if I was lost in the lyrics of the song that played.


"Class dismissed." Mr. Evans called out as the students gathered their books. "Chloe Lukasiak, please see me." I abruptly turned around to face the teacher. I hope I'm not in trouble. "I have an assignment for you." He started, as he wiped his round glasses. I nod and wait for further information;"You must make a presentation about any historical event you please."

"You're one of my finest students and I need your finest piece of work to be displayed."Mr.Edwards said. "I'll do it."I said,"Is this partner work?"

He basically explained to me the whole idea. By the end, I understood what I was doing. As I head out the empty halls and towards the cafeteria, I sighed.

"Too much homework."I uttered. Being the klutz I am, I dropped my notebook on the ground. Good thing no one else was around- or so I thought.

Not until a brown haired boy jogged up to me and stooped down to grab my books for me. "Need help with that?"A familiar male voice teased as I not dare to look up.

"Er- thanks." I mumbled, feeling utterly emberrassed at myself. My jaw nearly dropped when I looked up and saw who had just helped me with my books.

"Lucas?" I said, staring into his eyes. Sadly, the same spark of realization hadn't come to him because he seemed to not know what I was talking about.

"Chloe.." He said to himself as I tried to get him to at least remember one detail about me.

"The shift. My one time shift at Karla's, Chloe from the coffee shop.." Lucas started to connect the dots slowly.

"You go to Weston?" Lucas asked as we both stood up. "For a while now. What about you? I haven't seen you around." He smiled lightly, "It's my first day actually. First day of the semester."

"Oh yah." I said but paused;"So what brought you here?" I asked him, trying to share the same expression as the boy.

"Well.. I just had a few questions for my history teacher Mr. Evans, he gave me this stupid project and I don't really get it." Lucas scratched the back of his neck.

"Really? I got one too." I said. "You wanna do it together?"

Lucas nodded and slowly started to back away from me. "I've got to get to lunch. But we can talk about the project afterschool."

I smiled at him as he got farther away from me. "Sounds good to me." I said and walked the opposite way even though we both knew we were going to the same place.

this is so cheesy and bad im
btw rip history project lol it was never
spoken about again but surprisingly you never
asked about it so.

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