☼ | thirteen.

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chapter twelve; pep talks; maddie's pov.

It was Saturday night and I still hadn't made at least an attempt to communicate with anybody in the house, that is until I charged down the stairs for a quick snack.

As I stumbled into the pantry to yank a treat, my mother suddenly called me from the kitchen as if she was waiting for me.

"Maddie?" Her quiet soft voice called from behind me.

Sighing, I slowly turned around to look at her, only to spot a gloomy expression plastered onto her face.

"I'm gonna go.." I muttered and went for the stairs.

"Wait, Mads. You've been in there since friday, all you've done is ate and walk back into that little cave of yours." My mom shook her head and I stopped in my tracks.

"And all I want to know, Madison, is what the heck is going on?" She added and raised an eyebrow.

Unwillingly, I sat down on the table as my mom did next to me. I groaned and opened up my cheese stick, beginning my story


"Maddie." My mom groaned and eyed at me, I bit my lip while waiting for her reaction. "You are in quite a situation here." I nudged my mom in the shoulder and rolled my eyes,"Tell me something I don't know." I retorted ignorantly.

My mom giggled to herself and looked up as if she were thinking about what advice to give.

"Well.. If I were you, I would text Chloe." My eyes now saucers, I gasped quietly.

"I can't just text her, she hates me."

Mom rolled her eyes and chuckled then began to run her mouth filled of unhelpful tips again. "I know you kissed her and she liked another boy and yada yada ya.. but honestly maybe the smallest thing to do is the best thing to do."

I nodded and began to engage into the conversation. "What do you mean?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Just give her a text or call or whatever you kids do, and let her know that you're sorry and that you wish things could go back to the way they were, maybe then she'll realize that what's going on between you isn't right." She stated and smiled.

"But i don't want to be just friends and she's probably dating Lucas by now and-" I would have continued but I was shortly cut off.

"Maddie, things like this don't happen so easy and early, first start easy and just wait. It'll all come together eventually." My mother chuckled at me.

I beamed my most widest smile and thanked my mom, what would I do without this woman?

"Thanks for the pep talk, mom! Goodnight and love you." I said and charged up the stair, then into my bedroom.

I turned on the tv and lowered the lights before I plopped onto my bed and pulled the covers close.

With good hesitation, I picked up my phone and went into messages.

When I read the name that I longed to even sight, sweat began to trickle down my head.

Calmly, I opened our messages and read the previous ones, still pondering over whether or not I should text her.

Biting my lip, I began to type.

"Hey, Chloe."

With that, I lay down and stare at my phone longing for a reply.

I might have been able to sleep at ease tonight, just might.

this is so dramatic im

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