☼ | six.

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chapter five; nervous; chloe's pov.
time skip to the next day at school.

"Competition." I muttered under my breath as Maddie continuously talked to me about a topic I wasn't paying attention to. "Chlo, you're taking this dance thing too seriously. I think you should just let go about it for now." Maddie patted my shoulder as if it were supposed to make me feel better.

As we neared her first stop for her first class of the day, we both stopped. "I got to go. Don't take it too harsh bye chlo." And she walked off onto her seperate lane. I huffed and sulked across the hall until I find myself at my locker. I pull out my things and head out for my first class.

"Ugh." I groaned and started my walk across the campus to get to my first class.


The first few classes came to an end and lunch finally rolled around and after that was lunch so it went by pretty quick for me. When I was heading back to my locker to get my lunch, I suddenly felt a tingling sensation in my stomach.

"Hey Chloe." A brunette boy chirped as he walked behind me. I turned around, only to tuck a hair behind my ear and face the floor. "You seem upset." Lucas expression' suddenly turned into a darker one. I sighed, the last thing I needed.

I'd only known the guy for two weeks and a half and I already had him worrying about me. "It- never mind." I grabbed my books and attempted to leave to my next class. Lucas gripped my wrist not very tightly but just enough to keep us away from becoming in a tense moment. "Chloe?" He whispered.

"It's just I have a dance competition in two days and I'm not sure I can do it." I groaned and impersonated Abby at the last part of the sentence.

"Chlo, you'll do great. I would even come watch you but I have music lessons." Lucas half- grinned but it still looked cute.

"Ooh music lessons?" I cooed and nudged him in the shoulder. "Guess we both learned something new about each other today."He smirked.

Before I knew it, we were both walking off to lunch again.

Instantly, I felt better about the comp. Lucas really did help, I just hoped that was enough.

I then walked off to lunch to meet my friends.

this chapter is ehh but just to be clear
chloe and Lucas have known each other for
like 4 days? idk

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