The Great Thanksgiving Birthday DOG-tastrophe

Start from the beginning

He was gone.

Oh no.

Quickly scanning the garage, I looked for a little ball of fur, perky ears, and a firm wagging tail. Nothing.

Oh no.

Then I noticed a garage door was open.

Double oh no.

One of them was the door leading inside, which I know was closed when I entered.

Triple oh no.

That means the dog is inside the house right now! For all I know, it could've just wandered into the dining room for everyone to see, and my surprise would be ruined.

Quietly tiptoeing outside and leaving the garage door open in case the westie wandered back in, I frantically ran into the dining room to see if he was in their. To my utter relief, he actually wasn't. I checked under the tables and around the room as subtly as possible. Sneaking out of the dining room, I was stopped by a voice.

"Hey Laurance, are you going to have some cake or..?" Garroth's voice called out, turning everyone's attention on me. I could feel my cheeks heat up.

"U-um, yeah in a minute. I just need to um... go to the bathroom."

"Alright! Don't be too late though, we're gonna open presents afterwards real soon!" He called.

Yep, real soon.

And I hope I'll find the westie real soon.

And not too soon.

Suddenly, there was a flash of white in my vision. I turned my head and saw him about to wander into the dining room. Without thinking, I ran towards him and grabbed hold of his teal collar, colliding into the floor in the process but hiding the dog just enough so Garroth can't see him. At that moment everyone erupted into laughter that masked the noise of me falling.

Too close.

Getting up and letting go of doggie to gather myself for a minute, I reached for his collar- but it wasn't there.

Once again, he had wandered off. Looking around, I spotted his wagging tail heading upstairs. His padded feet making almost no sound on the stairs.

"Come back here!" I whispered, running up the stairs as quietly as I can.

He casually speed walked into Garroth's room. Following him inside, he grabbed hold of some of Garroth's blankets and pulled them off the bed. He was about to rip the pillows open too, but I pushed them away so he couldn't reach. He started to jump up and grab with his moth whatever was on Garroth's desk, leaving me to carefully pick everything out of his mouth.

At one point he grabbed a pencil near some compartments, and his muzzle hit a very small box, sending it flying. I caught it before it hit the ground. It was a velvet black box, one you would use to hold jewelry like a ring or a necklace or earrings. I didn't mean to go through his stuff, but I wanted so badly to know what was inside, so I started to open it. Before I could see what was inside, a few voices started to call me down.

"Laurance! Are you still in the bathroom?" Garroth called.

"Come down Laurance! I can hear you shuffling around up there!" Said Cadenza.

Stronger [Laurroth/Garrance F.F.]Where stories live. Discover now