Chapter 32

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"Mrs. Vage your babies are doing wonderful I can't believe it has been 2 years since they have been born" Sabrina has become a good and trust friend but she calls me Mrs. Vage when she want my attention.

"Yes, it has been a while... they say some sentences now" I told her

"They are so cute... look look, Austin's is helping her back up... that's adorable". She loves kids and Alex was asking me for advise on how to ask her to merry him and I told him to do what he think she will like.

"Mommy Maxine had a cut"

"Really come here baby girl let mommy see" I took a look at it and it was already starting to heal, and by the time I looked at it again it was no longer there.

"That was quick" Sabrina was surprise, as was I.

"Come on its time for you little to go and have your lunch" I told them

"YAAY!" they took each others hands and ran to the house.

"I hope they grow up loving each other" I said in a whisper. Sabrina nodded and smiled.

Ethan's p.o.v.

Everything has been going great so far. my wife and kids or doing awesome. Right now there out side playing and I'm in my office talking to Alex about the vampires that have killed my wife's mother.

"They are getting out of hand and now they know where the territory is they will attack at any given point". Alex just announced some bad news.

"So you suggest we do Mr. Ramos" I asked Rosa's dad.

"If war is what they seek then war is what they will get.... we won't attack let them come to us"

Me and Alex nodded we had all the worries from our pack and the worriers from our kingdom here with us so they could be aware. And yes my office is big enough to fit the must important worriers and let me tell you there is a lot of them probably 60 of them, the rest of the worriers are home.

"Don't you think that Mrs. Rosalinda Vage should be knowing all of this is happening" I heard a voice out in the distance..... that had to be Abel. he is the head leader of the worriers.

"If she finds out she will be afraid and maybe even try to fix it by going over there, and I will not have that"

"Y.." he was cut off when the door slammed open.

"DADDY!" It was my kids they came running into me.

"Hey there little ones I'm working right now so why don't you go and play with mommy"

They nodded but didn't quite leave.

"Hey Austin's it Abel"

"Come here you, and you to Austin let get you with your mommy" Abel picked them up and left out the door. I was going to go after him but Alex got a hold on my shoulder.

Rosa's p.o.v.

I saw as the kids went up stairs and heard them scream daddy. but they didn't last long, Abel came down with them. Maxine was on his shoulders and Austin was holding on to his leg.

"Again! again!" The said laughing

"I think that's enough fun for the day. I have to go now". He kissed their heads and came up to me.

"Hi, I hope your ok. ill see you around" we told me.

"Abel wait, kids stay here, Sabrina can you watch them for a sec" she gave me that of course look and me and Abel went out side.

"How you been?" I asked him.

"I been good, listen you don't have to do this ok what happened 2 years ago that just the past". He told me.

"Yes I know but you can't tell me to forget about it cause I won't... pulse we can still hang out you know"

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap at you" he was hurt I could tell.

"Rosa can you come here when your done" Ethan called out to me

"Yes just give me a minute" I told him

Abel knew I had to go so he bowled, but I didn't allow instead I have give him a hug.

"See ya" I told him and he nodded

I went in side and I saw Ethan playing with the kids and they were all laughing.

Sabrina and Alex were holding hands. Ethan can up to me and kissed me.

"Eeww" Austin said and Maxine laughed.

They played and played. as I sat in the couch and zoned out. My babies were strong they are only 3 years old but they are strong. They knew about werewolf, vampires, hybrids and gargles. they know that humans don't know about us and they will try to kill us. They know what they are.

I heard a window break up stairs and everyone went silent. I looked out the window.... there was a war.

"Ethan, look!" he turned around and saw it.

"Take the children Sabrina go with her". Ethan yelled

Sabrina took Austin and I took Maxine. We ran across the field and into a hide out that had two bags in it one for my little boy and one for my little girl.

"Run as for out to where the palace is, stay with Abel, Sabrina will be with you". I kissed the heads.

"Mommy are you going to be ok?" Maxine asked

I started to cry "ill be fine now you go"

Sabrina is a vamp so she can run fast. she took both of them and hold them tight as they hold their bags. in there bags there was clothes food and money I had told them on how to keep it safe and I knew I could count on them.

I ran back to the battle field and saw the worriers fit for our territory.

With out shifting a Ran up to help my pack. I snapped neck. Stabbed hearts and pouched till they died.

"Rosa I told you to stay with the kids"

"I can't leave you here along the kids will be fine they are with Abel" I told him, I knew they had made it cause Abel had mind linked me. he said that they were with my dad and safe in a underground room that only Alex and my dad knew where it was.

Ethan nodded an continued to fight. I saw as more continued to die and hit the ground. " Oh baby girl I love you" I saw my mom and felt something cold slice through my heart

"Rosalinda!!" Ethan called out

and everything went black.....

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