Chapter 30

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" Ok it's time to see what the babies are". The doctor was a girl this time around.

"You nervous daddy?" I asked Ethan as he smiled a bit. he hasn't let go of my hand.

"Ok looks like we has a girl for one of them". She told us and I got happy. "The other baby doesn't let me see. it looks like we won't be able to tell what he is until you give brith to them"

"So we have a girl for sure, but we don't know what's my other baby?" Ethan repeated in a question and the doctor nodded.

"When will I give brith to my lovely babies" I asked.

"From what I can see your babies are very healthy and your belly has grown a lot now so I don't think your gonna wait long. Usually hybrid babies last about 4 months but at the rate this babies are growing I don't think your gonna wait that long". She explained to us.

We made are way back to the pack into our house and I sat in the couch with a pillow on my back. I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

~~~~~2 month later~~~~~~

Ethan's p.o.v.

I chilling outside as Rosa was inside watching t.v when I heard it...


I ran I said and there she stood holding her enormous belly in as her feet where standing in water.

"What happened? are you ok?"

"Ethan my water broke!!!".

"Oh shit"

I put my arm around her and she out her weight on me. we walk toward the pack doctor and they gave us a wheel chair. I pushed her into a room with a bed in the middle they told me to place her on the bed and I did as I was told. They put some weird thing on her belly and it started to make a beeping sound. I looked at the instrument that laid to her left side and saw how it was measuring her and our babies hearts.

"Aoch". I hear her say.

"What's happening"

"She just has her contractions, she about to give brith"

Rosa's p.o.v.

Damn this hurts.

'You have to push as hard as you can' Rivera told me

"Rosa I'm hear babe now listen your gonna be ok you just need to push ok" Ethan told me.

"You think that this is that easy don't cha" I said playing around and gave him a smile. he chuckled a bit.

"Ok Luna start pushing"

~~~~~~10 minutes later~~~~~~

After pushing and griping on Ethan's hand to the point were it was turning purple I heated what I was waiting to hear.

..... A baby cry

"It's a boy". I heard the nurse say water came down my face and Ethan was crying as well. He came in and kissed me.

....Another cry

"It's a girl. the boy is older by 2 minutes.

I saw as Ethan wiped his cheeks and did the same to me.

"Congratulation" I told him

"Congrats mommy" he played around

They cleaned up the babies and gave the boy to Ethan and the girl to me. there eyes were closed as I took her in my arms.

"What are we going to name them?" he asked me

" We can name the boy Austin Vage" I suggested

"That's a great name.... i love it" he said smiling. " We could name her Maxine Vage" his smilie never left his face

" That's beautiful babe" I said honestly

"Hey there Maxine" when I said her name her eyes creeped open.

"That's the fast I have ever seen a baby open there eyes" the doctor came in

I looked in my baby girls eyes as they shine a bright blue color it was like looking into the sky in a beautiful spring day... It was breath taking. "she's beautiful Rosa, just like you".

"When is Austin going to oped his eyes?" he asked, and as soon as he said his name just like Maxine, Austin opened his eyes leave all of us stunned.... his green as was like the grass in spring.

"Well your all cleaned up and ready to go. You have recovered fast and your babies are very healthy so I see no reason in keeping you over night" we smiled and Ethan took the wheel chair and pushed me and my babies home.

My dad and Alex were waiting for us as like the rest of the pack. they cheered and we were thankful for all of this.

My dad explains that I did the same when I was a baby as soon as I had my name I opened my eyes. But my babies are going to be stronger then us. So we have to take care of them, people might want to hurt them.

We had already prepared the room that our babies will be staying in. we had painted the room blue and green. and now I think that it was destiny.

We put the babies in there separate beds but something unexpected happened.

Maxine started to cry and along came Austin's cry.

"What happen what do they need?" I was a bit worried

"Relax little sis, they just want to be with each other" Alex came in and pick up Maxine and placed her with her brother and they stopes crying. "when you were little you never wanted to leave my side so I think it's best if you leave them together".

"Thanks man" Ethan hugged Alex in a manly way.

" Oh and for you to know what they are you are going to need a vamp to determine that"

"How?" Ethan asked

"They will need a hint of each of there blood a vamp will know because its in the blood were you can be sure of what you are.... I did that to you when you were little Rosa you didn't cry nor you moved I did this in the bottom of your small little foot just in a case it left a mark it wouldn't be exposed. I knew you were going to be powerful. you know cause I'm a vampire"

"Thanks for that Alex but I think I will be doing the blood thing myself since they are my babies. And it's about time you all know what I can do"

I did as he did to me. I did it to Austin first and then to Maxine.

"So? what are they?" Ethan was curious.

"They are both hybrid, but Austin is more of a werewolf and Maxine more of a vampire, very powerful babies"

They looked as shock as I was.

"Come one let's let them sleep, and you should get some rest" Alex told us

We left the room and Alex left with my dad, as me and Ethan went to our room that was next to the babies room.


I turned around and met eyes with Ethan.


He got down on his knee...

"Ethan why are you doing??"

"Rosalinda will you marry me?"

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