Chapter 27

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I woke up with a smile on my face and red rose petals all other the bed. I looked around and I knew someone was watching me. I took a deep breath and his scent cough my nose. it was Ethan he was hiding in the bathroom that was a couple of fees away from our bed.

"I wonder if Abel did this?". I said lying and playing around.

"Why in the world would you say that?" oh he was mad.

"There you are. don't worry babe I know it was you I was just trying to get you out of the bathroom and into my arms". I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him.

"You don't know how long I have been waiting for you to be in my arms again". He said smiling.

"Come on, we have to get ready I have to announce my mate today". I said getting out of bed.

"Oh and princess, happy birthday and who ever you choose I will be happy with". He didn't seem quite happy about it.

"Ethan I only have two choices, you or Abel and I know which one i have always loved". I said calmly. but Ethan was a bit worried.

"You want to come in the shower with me?"

He jumped out the bed and ran in the bathroom. "Sally boy" I said laughing his smile grew on his face as did on mine.

"Come here let me take that off you" my wolf was getting exited as was I.

He came closer and he slipped of my shirt. Due to the fact that I don't sleep with my bra there was nothing else covering my chest.

He slipped off his boxers, exposing hisself.

"It's been I while since I have been able to see your body Rosa" his eyes explored my body and his hands traveled my waist and thighs.

He turned on the shower and steam started to rise. Ethan knows I like my showers hot. It make me relax.

After half and hour and a couple of kisses here and there we manage to get out of the shower.

I looked around me and every came to me, that happy feeling when I friar came in here and he took me in his pack. the feeling of love that I felt those months, and to think I have missed out some days without him hurts.

I felt a slight pain in my chest and then left completely when Ethan came up behind me and started to kiss my neck, where my mark was. I looked in the mirror and saw a happy Ethan and a smiling me. I wouldn't change this for the world.

"Princess Rosa" a strange voice was calling out for me.


"I'm here with your father and brother and Abel, please come down when your done we shall go to the palace" the man spoke out

"Ok thank you"

I heard as he left the the hallway and went down stairs. where my family was meeting.

"Come on Ethan lets go but first...put on a shirt!!!"

He smiled and did as he was told. He extended his arm and I took his hand. we went out the door and into the hallway and met with my family and Abel.

"Hello my daughter and princess"

"Hi daddy"

"Sup little bra" my brother was messing around with me, it made me laugh.

"Hi leech" I said smiling

"Good one little sis"

I looked at Abel "hi Abel"

"Hello Princess, and Luna Rosa" he said bowling.

Everyone looked stunned, I had made up my mine one who will be my mate and I didn't think that they get what's going on, except for me and Abel.

" Alpha Ethan" Abel said with no feelings.

"Abel". If I could cut the tension in the room,I would.

"Shall we go now" I said trying to get off topic and into what will be my new life.

"Yes of course, come on" my dad saw what I wanted to do and he follow my lead.

We got in the go carts that my dad had brought. There was 4 of them Abel got in one my dad and Alex got in the other and Ethan got in the 3rd one. and I got in the last one with that guy, which I assume to be a guard.

My dad and Alex went first Ethan followed and Abel was behind me. the ride was silent.

"Come on now, there are some dresses up in your room, you will wear one and meet us in the dinning room" Alex said as he looked at me and then at Abel, but I looked at Ethan who had a worried face as he looked at my brother who never looked at him.... not even one time.

I nodded at my brother and took of. I went up to my room and there 7 beautiful dresses, but there was one that bought my eyes and fell in love with that dress.

I tried it on and it fit perfect. it hugged my body and showed of my curves. It had a tan color to it. It was strapless, the dress was right on top and and it got loose towards my waist and then completely loose on my hips.

I put my hair in some loose curls and added a bit of mascara and eye liner. I'm not a big fan of make up.

I looked in the mirror and like what was looking back at me.

"You look beautiful my princess". She was here again.

"Mom!" I ran up to her but yet remember that I couldn't really touch her.

"I know you will make the right choice tonight because it is what you and your heart wants. Don't forget that I love you, I will go now".

"I love you too mom.. bye"

I looked at the mirror again and I notice something haven't notice before.... I look like my mother with my dads eyes.

Before I started to cry I looked away from the mirror and walked out the door. I went in the dinning room and all eyes were on me.

"Welcome Princess Rosalinda". My dad stood up and everyone else followed.... this is my home... where I belong.

I took a sit next to my brother. "hey you know you have to talk right" he whispered in my are and I felt my stomach tighten. I'm not a speech person.

I zoned out of what my dad was saying as everyone else listen with care. I looked at Ethan and Abel they were sitting right next to one another. That had to be the strangest thing ever.

"As you know my daughter has to choose her mate... Rosa? would you follow me as like you all" my dad looked at me and I snapped out of my thought.

I followed him out the palace and into a bigger crowd of people...oh boy. As the rest of them got comfy, I went behind a tree and tried to calm down.

"Hey you ok" my brother looked at me worried.

"Yeah just nervous.. oh shit" I hold my stomach and right then and there I vomited.

"Hey hey calm down everything is going to be fine". He told me. "bring me some water now!" he told this lady that past by.

She had to be a vamp cause she came back fast.

I drank some water and tried to relax. yet something told me that this wasn't my nervous.

I shock it off and headed toward my dad with Alex's hand on my back for support. Ethan seem to have notice cause he was ready to come and help but Alex gave him the stay where you are look.

"Rosa it's time" my dad said looking down at me.

I got up next to my dad. I looked around and felt some love yet I felt unloved again. I looked at Ethan and his heart looked like it was going to exit his chest. he must be as nervousness as I am.

"To start off I wasn't to thank you all for coming here this beautiful day..". There was cheering and clapping, this filled me with confidence. " As my mothers I have two mates... and today I get to choose my true mate... as a leader I promise to help you in every way possible, no matter if it mean dying for all of you... but I can't do this alone apart from having you all as a great support I also have my family and my mate... Ethan" the crowd erupted with cheers and applauses. I looked at him as I announced him as my mate and he had a smile from ear to ear. Silly boy.

I extended my hand signifying to come and stand next to me. Looks like he got the memo. He stood next to me with pride. I looked around for Abel but I couldn't see him.

My dad came next to me along with my brother.

"Do you Rosalinda Ramos promise to take care of this huge family to the full and the Halfmoon pack?" My dad said trying to hold back the water in his eyes.

"Yes, I do".

"Do you Ethan Vage promise to take care of this fantastic family to the best of you ability, protect your mate, luna and my daughter Rosalinda and you promise to take the responsibility of Alpha at Halfmoon pack?" I thought my dad was going to ask him the same question as he asked me but he did.

"I take all those responsibilities and more as they will come at there own pace, and I promise to love and protect your daughter till the end of time because I love her". Looked at my dad and then to my brother and finally at me.

"I was looking for a yes I do but that will do as well" my dad said in a smile and the crowd cheered.

"Welcome to the family even tho I should have said that the day I met you". My brother shock Ethan hand and he chuckled.

"Well who's ready to party like we love to do" my brother turn to my kingdom and they all cheered in excitement.

"Lets get this party started". I said smiling.

The music blasted through the speaker, where ever they were hidden. I took Ethan hand and we went inside for a while.

"What is it?" I asked him since he couldn't stop looking at me.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you look?" he said with a wink. I came up to him and hugged him. "you scared me today you know, for a while i had thought that you were going to choose Abel since I didn't see him around I thought there was a special place that your mate had to go or something"

"Aww, Ethan that's adorable. I can't replace you no matter how many mates I could choose from your the only one I love".

"I love you too, come on let go party"

We went outside and danced for hours and hours. They put on slow songs and hiphop. but I had just notice something, the pack was here.

"Mike, Brandon over here" I called to them over the music. (Rosas trusted friends. They were mention at the beginning of the book)

"Ay Rosa, good job up there". Mike wasn't that tall but he was still taller then me.

"Thanks Mike". I gave them a hug

"Not to friendly now" Ethan said joking around, we all laughed "no but really hands above her waist".

"Chill bro, I got you". Brandon went and gave him a hug "see hands above the waist". Now that just made me luang. Brandon, his is a joker.

"Hey I'll be back I have to go to the restroom" I told them and I hurried into my room not leaving space for any of them to talk.

I came in the room and into the bathroom. And there it came I throw up again. this can't be right.

'Rosa what if your pregnant?'Rivera asked me

'That's not-' I couldn't finish there came another.

"Rosa! are you ok?? What did you eat?" Alex came in he must have notice me coming in the room in a hurry.

"No I didn't eat anything bad I eat my usual breakfast this morning and a sandwich for lunch that's it.... but my wolf thinks I'm pregnant" I told him and out came another.

"Ill go and get a pregnancy test for you". Alex seem to believe Rivera and at this point so did I.

After a while of throwing up my body was able to relax and now I was sitting at the end of my bed and Ethan came in.

"Rosa what's wrong?"

"Nothing babe I'm just tiered, go and have fun" I told him.

"But this is your party my queen and Luna"

"I know cutie but its getting late and I just want to get some rest.. now go and have fun"

"Ok baby but ill be back in a while it won't be long" he finished of and kissed my forehead.

No I was alone in my room and waiting for Alex to come. but I didn't have to wait for long cause he came in the room.

"Sorry I took so long... dad wanted me to give a mini speech"

"It's ok, did you bring it?"

"Yes of course here it is, do you need the instruction?"

"You pee in the stick what's so complicated about that" I told him with a smile, and he laughed.

So I did my business on the stick and now all I had to do was wait 5 minutes.
But I was becoming curious and I wanted to know and by the way Alex was looking around he wanted to know too.

"How long has it been?" he asked

"2 minutes, haha"

"This is taking to long" he said smiling "how's your wolf?"

"Healthy and strong, plus she can't stop asking me the time"

He chuckled and bit. "that's time, 5 minutes passed". I told him and he jump up the see the result.

I took a look at the pregnancy test and there its was.....


Well there you have it another chapter... I know you guys might hate me for ending it like that but I have to do that to make it a bit interesting. lol. well next chapter will be out this night so the wait won't be long.... love you guys.

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