Chapter Sixteeen

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Tiffany felt her heart bursting it had Mowry's name on his little chocolate belly. "Aww" Tiffany cooed taking it in her hands. She smiled when she realized Mowry was dressed the exact same way the bear was. He looked real sexy in his full Omega gear. The purple went well against his dark complexion. It made Tiffany sweat a little bit.

She was still needing to get use to how much he had changed physically.

Tiffany looked up into Mowry's eyes. Tiffany's eyes shut automatically when she saw Mowry lowered his head face to hers, but Mowry's lips lightly brushed her ear. "Lemme go before I lay that ass down right here." Tiffany's eyes popped open. He was already walking off and out the science doors. Tiffany blushed two shades of deep red as she stood frozen.

Tiffany was carrying Mowry bear around with her all that day. Mowry had successfully removed Brandon from her mind for a good five hours until Brandon walked over wrapping his arms around her. She had been sitting in the cafeteria eating some cheese covered fries.

Brandon's lips traced her cheek before his lips softly pressed against hers.

Tiffany sat surprised for a minute kissing back just a bit. This was brand new she had never had two dudes trying to get her attention. Tiffany was about to kick her feet back and enjoy it. She couldn't think of a girl who wouldn't just let it continue for a minute.

Brandon pulled away after a moment. Brandon was eying the bear before he set it back on the table. He didn't say anything as he bit her neck gently making Tiffany smile. "Boy quit. "Brandon smiled kissing her cheek. "I need to get back to class." Brandon told her. Tiffany nodded eating another one of fries.

"Bye Brandon."

Brandon looked at the teddy bear again. "The nigga I'm dealing with is Mowry? The one they just crowned some weeks back?" Tiffany didn't say nothing eating her food. She just shrugged as a response. Brandon just nodded.Tiffany smiled, but still said nothing. Brandon left with one more kiss to her cheek.

Tiffany decided she was gonna let this ride out.

Brandon was the type to open his mouth and tell her out right how he felt. It was sweet to hear him express himself, but Mowry was doing a damn good job of not having to say nothing, because his effort was speaking to many volumes. Tiffany was to happy he had figured out why his heart was doing him the way it did him when they were around each other.

Tiffany finished off her fries before throwing them away and walking to her English class.


"Tiffany your nasty."

Xiao laughed watching Tiffany hump little Mowry bear playfully.

Although Jade had been her best friend, Xiao felt more like a true friend to her. While Tiffany could tell Jade anything, She could actually be herself around Xiao without thinking about it. Jade had not even called her since the first week of September. It was September twevelth now. Tiffany ignored Xiao letting out a frustrated groan.

"Why ain't it September thirtieth?"

Xiao laughed flipping through the channels on TV while she sat on Tiffany's bed. Tiffany started bouncing on Mowry bear thinking about how she was gone have to take that kind of abuse from him, hopefully one of these days. Xiao hit Tiffany with a pillow. "Calm your horny self down." Tiffany smiled putting Mowry bear to the side of her bed.

"Can you help me find a dress for Saturday? The frat bro's are suppose to be taking us some where nice to eat. " Xiao looked at Tiffany. "So you decided to ditch Brandon? Or is it just that you wanna see Mowry." Xiao teased. Tiffany blushed. "No." She lied.

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