49: Danny's Party

Start from the beginning

"Yes, yes I do." I grin back. Samantha pulls me in for a kiss. I happily oblige as I crash my lips against hers and close my eyes. Soon, the kiss turns into a make out session. Samantha pushes me against a locker and places her hands on my chest. I wrap my hands around her back. Samantha's tongue begs for entrance, so I allow it to explore the roof of my mouth. Suddenly, I hear someone cough awkwardly from somewhere to the side of us. Samantha and I both jump in surprise, resulting in me accidentally biting Samantha's lip. "Ouch!" Samantha yelps as she breaks away from me and puts a hand to her bottom lip. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry Sam!" I apologize, feeling horrible for what I just did, even if it was an accident. Samantha smiles behind her hand. "It's fine, Scott." She says, her voice sounding slightly muffled, as her mouth is still covered by her hand. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but uh, I thought you guys would like to know about this." I hear Stiles say. I turn to face him. He looks so embarrassed about how he just walked in on Samantha and I making out. He's avoiding eye contact with me and his cheeks are tinged pink. "What is it?" I ask curiously.

"Well, according to Isaac, Derek is going out of town for a couple of days. So, when Isaac told me this, I suggested to Danny that he should have his party in the loft." Stiles answers.

"But remember what happened at his last party there? That was a disaster." I point out.

"Yeah, but there won't be any Oni there this time and no Nogitsune to screw things up." Stiles reminds me.

"I thought it would be a good thing, to get us all away from the ongoing drama in our lives, supernatural or not." Stiles adds. I look over to Samantha for her opinion on the matter. She has lowered her hand from her mouth now. Thankfully, her lip isn't bleeding. She nods and smiles at me. I look back over at Stiles. "Okay, I guess we're in. When is the party?" I ask.

"Tonight, 7pm. Also, there won't be any body paint this time. It's just a normal party." Stiles replies with an excited grin. I guess he's looking forward to it then. "Great, I'll see you tonight. Maybe you'll meet the right girl for you at the party." I smile. I swear I can see Stiles' face fall for the tiniest fraction of a second, but he quickly replaces it with a happy expression again. Maybe I just imagined the slight sadness in his eyes. "Yeah, I hope so." Stiles says.

"I'll see you tonight, Samantha." Stiles turns to Samantha and nods.

"I am looking forward to it." Samantha replies.

"Alright, I have to go now, I'll see you guys later." Stiles says before running off. I chuckle quietly.

"What?" Samantha asks.

"If he meets someone tonight, I just hope he doesn't make a fool of himself somehow." I answer. Suddenly, I have a thought. "Wait, Samantha, what happens if he gets splashed?" I ask as I turn back towards her. Samantha bites her lip slightly. "He's not a kid anymore Scott, I'm sure he can handle being at a party. Besides, we will just keep a close eye on him and if he does get into trouble, we can cover for him." Samantha answers.

"Yeah, you're right. He'll be fine." I nod in agreement.

"So, would you like me to come around to your house at around 6:30pm to pick you up?" I ask.

"It sounds good to me." Samantha grins.

"Great. I'll see you at 6:30." I reply. Samantha kisses me on the cheek.

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