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Chapter 52

Kiyomi's Prov


I open my eyes to see a white hospital ceiling above me.

"Well shit"

Right after I muttered my profanities I hear footsteps running to my room.


My brother enters my room succeeding to fall on his face. The look of my brother almost in tears has me scared, How long have I been out?


My brother screams standing back up and running to me jumping on me.

"Ow" I arch my back in pain with the weight of my brother crushing my body.


Naruto laughs at my remark and jumps off of me his blue eyes holding a certain sadness but his smile trying to deceive those around.


I watch my brothers smile instantly fall and his eyes start to water.

"I tried to save him..I wasn't strong enough. Even after 3 weeks he still hasn't returned."


"THREE WEEKS" I yell and jump out of the hospital bed and grabbing my ninja clothes from the chair and put them on.

"I have to go !" I yell to my dumbstruck brother and hop out the window onto the street below.I have to go talk to Tsunade about training with Ryo-Sensei. I continue to run to the hokage's office getting some weird looks,but when don't I.

I reach the hokage's office and run up the stairs until I'm in front of her door..

I should knock right?

Eh... Barging in is much funnier oh great I sound like Naruto.

"Tsunade I.."

I stop mid sentence when I see a tall man with white hair talking to the hokage.

"Long time no see Kiyomi"

I instantly recognise Ryo's voice and run up to him and hop on his back with Tsunade giving me a wide eye expression.

"TOLD YOU I KNEW HER" Ryo yells as I chuckle missing ryo these past months.

I hop off of Ryo and look at the hokage cowering under her stare.

"I was just telling the Hokage about your training, since you never told her or sent a letter I decided to come myself."

I sweat drop at Ryo's glare and decide to just plop onto the floor and sit indian style.

"It's not my fault I was unconscious for three weeks." I say puffing out mycheeks

"One letter!!" Ryo yells pointing his finger at me.


Me and Ryo both shut up and look at Tsunade who has already opened a bottle of sake. We watch as she sighs and pours a glass of sake.

"Ki, you can go"

My eyes go wide as i jump up and fist bump Ryo but then I watch her shake her head.

"But, you have to wait until the end of the month"

"THAT LONG" Ryo says as he anime falls onto the ground.

"Unexpected Sister" (Naruto) {The fallen series-Book 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora