Battle part 2

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Chapter 18

Ki's Prov

Senbon needles are every where, I can hear Sasuke's cry of pain. Im dodging them, but im still getting scratched. Sasuke Kunai flys out of his hand and lands at Sakura's feet.

"Why do you have to be so much trouble" I say looking at Haku. A senbon goes right into my shoulder, hitting nothing vital, thank god.
Sakura tries to throw back the kunai to Sasuke, but Haku catches it. Shuriken then hit Haku making him fall out of the glass, Naruto.

*Poof* A cloud of smoke appears, "Who is it?" Sakura yells.
"NII-SAN!!" I yell with anime tears in my eyes, what? A girl can't act like this during a fight to the death?"Naruto Uzumaki! Is finally here!" Naruto says trying to act all cool, *sweat drop*

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Naruto Says, "Naruto! You baka! Move!" I say not being able to save him. Zabuza throws shuriken at him, but Haku cancels it out with his senbons. Well...that would be surprising if I didn't know that was gonna happen..*sweat drops*.

"Zabuza, leave him to me. Let me defeat him in my own way, no help" Haku explains to Zabuza. He's trying to half kill us, great! Kakashi can't help us, so I guess i'll have to go full out. I have to have a plan, I'll use the time he's talking-"I haven't forgot about you either" Haku says after Sasuke threw a kunai...Well there goes my plan. "I'll just have to deal with you two first" Haku says looking at us.

Haku goes into the glass, "I'll deal with you later, Naruto" He says looking back. He returns to the glass I have to prepare, he starts throwing senbon needles again. I start weaving signs,"Earth Release; Shield"I say having a shield go over me and Sasuke.

"Yo" Naruto says, scaring the crap out of me and sasuke...."You Baka!" Sasuke says to Naruto..*sweat drops*"I was just coming to save you two"Naruto defends himself. "I was going to have you attack from the outside..!" Sasuke yells back. "Guys! This isn't the time to be fighting"I say sternly, we have to win. "Fire ball Jutsu!" Sasuke yells out trying to melt the ice mirrors.. That Baka

I know there's another attack after this so I make preparations. All of the sudden white flashes and Sasuke and Naruto are pushed back. Now! "Earth release; Rock shuriken!" I say as I throw it at Haku's shadow, cutting a little bit of his leg. TAKE THAT HA!, Then a senbon gets lodged into my other shoulder*Sweat drops*..Opps and kids this is why you shouldn't get cocky.

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