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Chapter 37

Ki's prov


"Pervy-Sage! Start our Training!"

I cringe at Naruto's loud voice, granted I have the same one.*Sweat drops*

Today is more training, we had to wait a good hour because Pervy-Sage was being a pervert and looking at girls..*Sigh*

"Alright! Do you remember what I told you the other day about two types of Chakra?"

Me and Naruto nod,and he continued.

"Now try building up that Chakra." 

All right! I got this! I hope?

I use the handsign to build up chakra and think. I could just ask Yuzuki to give me some, but I want to draw out the power myself.

Think Kiyomi! Think!

I focus not on my normal Chakra, but the black one I feel buried beneath. I can feel it! I focus on it and imagine myself pulling it to the surface with my hand.

"Ok thats enough Ki, I think you got it"

I open my eyes and look at Pervy-Sage, he has a tint of fear in his eyes. I look over at Naruto, it seems he hasn't got the hang of it yet.

"For the jutsu i'm about to teach you need that power"

Pervy-Sage explains to us.

"With using all of your power you can learn a lot more justus and techneachies."

"Like what?" Me and Naruto say in sync.

"Like the summoning Jutsu i'm about to teach you."
Yes! I've always wanted to be able to summon something!

"Now Naruto since you didn't master using the other chakra like Ki did, it's necessary for you to use up all of your chakra before I teach you."

Naruto jumps up with excitement, this is a tad boring isnt it?


Naruto says as he uses his shadow clones making quite a few. Then he starts a battle between them. I decided that this is going to take awhile so I go sit in the shade, then pervy-sage comes and joins me.

"So you were my father's teacher."

His eyes widen, while I look up to the clouds.

"Does Naruto know?"

"No, if I told him it would change things"

Clouds are so lucky, free to do whatever they want.

"Kushina didn't even know she was going to have twins. When she gave birth to you, she said you were pure beauty, hence your name Kiyomi"

I look at Pervy-Sage and a small smile goes across his face.

"Maybe one day you could tell me stories about them"

I say giving a famous Uzumaki smile, while Pervy-Sage chuckles and ruffles my hair.

Time skip

"Ahh, seems Naruto's finished"

Me and Pervy-Sage both get up and start walking over to Naruto. I look down at my brother and let out a little laugh, he's completely beat.

"Ok! I'm done now show me the jutsu!"

Naruto says jumping up with excitement.

"Well let me show you"

Pervy-Sage says as he bites his thumb and puts his palm down on the ground.


A toad appears and Pervy-Sage is standing on top of his head.


Naruto yells, clearly excited about this.

The toad rolls out its tongue giving me and Naruto  a scroll.

"Open that. It's a contract for the summoning, sign your name in your own blood and stamp the fingerprints of that hand with blood"

Naruto goes first, he bites his finger and writes his name then stamps his fingerprints. Then it's my turn, I bite my finger spelling out my name. K I Y O M I  U Z U M A K I  Then I stamp my fingerprints like Naruto did.

"Now to summon just build up chakra in the place you want summon and set down that your contracted. The signs are Boar-Dog-Bird-Monkey-Sheep"

Alright! This is so freaking cool!

"Now give it a try"

I let Naruto go first, he weaves the signs then puts down his hand.

"Ninja art; Summoning Jutsu!"

We all look down and see a...

"TADPOLE!" I yell

*Sweat drop*

" *Sigh*  Ok it's your turn, ki" Pervy-Sage says

"Alright i'm going to dominate this, you know!

I focus on the black chakra and pull it up like I did before.
Boar-Dog-Bird-Monkey-Sheep then I put my hand down.

"Ninja Art; Summoning Jutsu"


I look around and see the tops of trees, huh how did I get up here? I look down to see Teal, Oh i must have summoned one of the giant toads!

I look around and see the tops of trees, huh how did I get up here? I look down to see Teal, Oh i must have summoned one of the giant toads!

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"Huh! Who are you!? Why was I summoned!" The Teal toad yells

"Oh Hi um.."


"Well hi Gamahiro! Sorry that I summoned you it was my first time, I didn't mean to disturb"

I say giving him an Uzumaki smile, which he probably can't even see.

"Well if you summoned me you must be quite powerful, and you seem nice. If you're ever in a bind summon me."

And with that I hop off his back onto the ground.


Gamahiro disappears, and I look over to see Naruto and Pervy-Sage looking at me with wide eyes.

"Well it seems i've got it down pat!"

I sheepishly say giving them a closed eye smile. 

"That was Amazing Ki!"

Pervy-Sage praises me, while Naruto looks over at me sadly, but quickly smiles.

"Wow Nee-Chan that was amazing!"


I look in his eyes and see determination, ahh I see.

"Well Ki you can go back to the village, Naruto stills has a lot of training left. There's a good bit of a week left so you can rest"

"Yes! Thanks Pervy-Sage!"

"Naruto train hard!"

I say to them as I start walking off to head to the village.

"Unexpected Sister" (Naruto) {The fallen series-Book 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ