Naruto world

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Chapter 2
Kakashi: above

Ki's Prov

"Should we wake her Sensei?" I hear a mellow voice ask as I was slowly waking up, but father was at work and this is just to confusing!

"I'm already up!'' I say emotionless, they were probably going to kill me anyways, whoever they are.

."YES THE POWER OF YOUTH IS IN THIS ONE "I hear a loud voice say.

Wait! That could only be one person!

I opened my eyes to see I was right!

"AHHAHHD UWDU GUY " I say as I ran up to him full speed  to hug him I mean he's mighty Guy!!

<<<Third person prov >>>>

The others all except lee just sweat drop at this girl, she is probably mental .

<<Kiyomi's prov>>>

"Hold on how are you here, you're not real" I say with a very confused tone.

"what do you mean, I the Mighty Guy am everything real "

Then I look around and notice everything looked like the anime!! The ground, the sky , the trees, even my hands.

OK?? maybe I'm dreaming or something.

Might as well make the best of it,true?

"Take me to hokage-sama"I say, at least if I went to the hokage he could help me.

"Alright, full speed ahead Miss um? Whats your name "Guy says

'Kiyomi, Just kiyomi  ,but call me ki "I say looking away.


<<<Guys Prov>>>

Hmmm Her chakra levels are super high, The hokage will need to meet her, but how'd she know who I am, interesting indeed .


KIyomis's prov

"Hokage"Guy says as he knocked on the door.

A faint and tired "come in" was heard

"Hokage-sama I found a girl in the forest today and she wishes to meet you she is very youthful!" Guy says looking at the hokage

"As you wish bring her in "He says, guess that is my Que.

"What's Up Old man!"I say with a sheepish face as I get a glare from the others,whats up with them.

Old man hokage prov

It couldn't be...

No I sent her away ,but those Blue eyes and the long blonde hair it must be!

She has her mother's face and her dads hair..oh how I miss those two..

"You are excused! I will need a  minute alone with her'' I say to  the others.

kiyomi's prov

As the others left I just knew  I was  in deep shit now.

"So let me start My name is Kiyomi ,but call me ki. I am from earth and I have knowledge of everything and all things past and present even the future. I do not know why I am here, also I do not know if this a dream or not I was hoping you could help me with that,  any questions? '' I say serious and yes I can be serious....When I want to be at least. 

"Let me assure you this is not a dream and how did you come back and I will not question your knowledge.''He says

"I do not know, I made a wish to be in the Naruto world because I was tired of the abusive homes ''I say nonchalant speaking the truth .

"Ok I see, I understand that you don't know why your here or who your family is, Would you like to know?"he says 

I froze, I have a family, a real one, I wonder who it is. He took my expression to carry on.

"As for why you are here, I'm the one who put you on earth 12 years ago, but for your safety. As For your parents I can not say who they are ,but they loved you deeply and you have a twin brother His Name is Naruto"The hokage says

Im shocked,I had a brother and It was Naruto That Means..

"I know who my parents are and how they died.I will not tell any one because it could change the future "I say, sadly my real parents are dead.

The Hokage's eyes widen and trust me mine where probably the same.

"Well you probably know that Naruto has the nine tails ,but you have the ten tails "He says, my eyes get the size of saucers.

"Just great " I say and slap my face while the hokage just chuckles at me.

"Now for your training, You will be trained before the graduation exams by kakashi, is that all right "He says

"Oh,  he will be perfect can I start tomorrow I want to rest tonight...Oh about that where will I stay gramps "I say

"You will be living with naru..."

Hey Gramps I need my st.."Naruto intrudes ,but then stops when he saw me.

"Hey Gramps who is this "Naruto says with his squinted look he does.

"Well that's actually your sister Naruto!"Old man says with a twinkle in his eye.

Naruto freezes.....

I Freeze ....

This was a big moment for us since both of us had gone forever without a real family.

"Sister'? Naruto says with tears in his eyes.

I took this as a good moment to run up to him and engulf  him in a bear hug. You know, normal sibling things. 

"Hi Naruto Im Kiyomi, call me ki  "I say with tears going down my face, attractive right!

"ahum "The hokage says ruining our moment,that old man damn him.

"As I was saying Naruto, Ki is going to be living with you now and I will give  her money so you can get a bigger place and she can go shopping "He says handing me money.

"Yahoo! This is going to be great nee-san (sister)!"Naruto says as he drags me by the hand and leads me out of the tower.

"Bye old man 8:00 tomorrow" I say as I was being dragged out the door.

Well this is going to be interesting, living in the Naruto world.....

&quot;Unexpected Sister&quot; (Naruto) {The fallen series-Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now