The True Plan

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Asriel, Sans, and Undyne had all their attacks ready. Chara had 200 HP as of now. Sans and Undyne did a combination attack with Spears and bones. Chara tried to attack Sans after that, but he dodged. Asriel launched all his stars at Chara and hit them, but barely knocked their HP.
"Sans, what do we do? That is actually a pretty strong attack, but barely did any damage." Asriel asked.
"Undyne you think you can transform into Undyne the Undying? Asriel is there a way to turn into the God of Hyperdeath?" Sans asked.
"I can turn into Undyne the Undying." Undyne said as she transformed.
"Sans, I need human souls to do it." Asriel said.
"So many people have died human souls are everywhere. I know this is bad, but I need you to absorb seven souls." Sans said.
"Okay I will." Asriel said as he began absorbing souls.
Asriel finished absorbing the souls and they all attacked Chara.
"You fools you think you can kill me even if I defeated all of you?" Chara asked.
They didn't respond Sans aimed bones straight at Chara. They easily dodged, but got distracted and was hit by a shower of Undynes spears. Chara tried their best to dodge, but failed. Chara decided to go and attack Undyne, but Undyne knew that to make this fight last longer she dodged.
"I see you're not stupid enough to stay stationary like the last time." Chara said.
"I'll do anything it will take to kill you, and from my last mistake I know that not dodging will give you a better chance to live." Undyne said as she switched Chara's soul to green and attacked from all directions. Chara blocked them all, and decided to attack Sans, but Asriel blocked the attack and aimed a shower of stars straight towards Chara. After seeing that Sans came up with an idea. Sans was going to force Chara against a wall as they combine all their attacks together. Sans lifted Chara then slammed them into the wall. Then Sans, Asriel, and Undyne shot their strongest attacks straight at Chara.

Chara came out with 1 HP barely holding on. They went to go heal, but then something caught them. It was Gaster.
"Gaster, what are you doing?" Chara asked.
"I see that you are at very low HP. I guess it's time to give me your side of the deal." Gaster said.
"What? But I haven't even finished the war." Chara said.
"Well it would be very convenient if you gave me your determination now." Gaster said.
Immediately Gaster sucked up Chara's determination and left Chara as a a barely living husk.
"Ga-Gaster, what are y-you doing?" Chara said barely breathing.
"I took your determination." He said.
"Gaster you you're back!" Sans said with joy.
"Hello Sans. It's been a long time hasn't it." Gaster said.
"Y-you took Frisk's determination." Chara said.
"Well of course I did. Your determination alone couldn't bring me back." Gaster said.
"But y-you said you already had
d-determination." Chara wheezed.
"I lied." Gaster said, "I had no determination, all of it was wasted in my experiment to break the barrier. I was clos, but then when I fell into my creation, Asgore ordered all my creations to be destroyed and no evidence of me shall be seen." Gaster said.
"Wait, but our entire point was to save Frisk. If you took their soul then they can't come back." Sans said.
"Well now they can't. In Chara they had a chance, but now since I am stronger they have none." Gaster said.
"Well can't you let them come back?" Sans asked.
"No. If I do then I can no longer come back." Gaster said.
"But we have a lot of determination. Can't you see the human souls? You can extract determination from them." Sans said.
"Yes I can, but Frisk has very special determination. It's pure determination. Something very rare that only those two have. Combined I am more powerful than ever, and with Asgore and Frisk gone their is nothing keeping peace. Besides we don't need peace with humans. I thought Chara could carry out the deed of banishing the humans, but looks like they couldn't." Gaster said.
"Gaster, why do you need power?" Sans asked.
"Because if I don't have power what am I? Now enough with questions I don't need you hear anymore. So be gone!" Gaster yelled as he impaled Sans with a bone and killed him.

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