Author's note

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Hey guys! I'm sorry for not posting lately. I'm on vacation at Florida and I have the next chapter written, it's just I can't access it cause in have it on my computer.... I know, kinda stupid. Well, the good news is that I will update it as soon as I get home! Which will probably be the first or second day of the new year!


I want to dedicate this whole book to Petnini, she's my fake sister, my soul sister, the person who's been with me this whole life since day one, the person who knows me better than myself, my fellow exotic, and my bffl. Ily girl, I love you, and

**~I want to thank you for this AMAZING cover~**

girl. Yes, she made this cover. Amazing isn't it?

So, check out her account if you like my book, cause her books are better than mines. Cause she's plain awesome! But I am too. She writes all sorts of books. So keep reading guys! Ily!

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