Chapter Seven.

Começar do início

Tiffany thought about this as she pulled up to Applebee's. Tiffany had found out that Jade had not met Marlon, or Mr. Tahj. Jade didn't even know Mowry had a twin yet. Jade didn't even know Mowry's full name was; Mourice Anthony Tahj. Mowry was so secretive around people, but when it came to him and Tiffany being alone, he opened up more for some reason.

One day in class Mowry started up a game of 21 questions just for the hell of it, and Tiffany thought nothing of it till Jade came in to walk them both to class.

Jade got really upset that Tiffany knew his favorite's before he even told her.Tiffany wasn't sure how Mowry felt,but she felt real guilty about it. She thought Jade knew all that already.

They had been together for six months now.

Tiffany watched Mowry suck the barbecue sauce of his baby back rib. 'You're a sloppy eater." Tiffany stabbed at her chicken Alfredo. Mowry smirked running his tongue slowly along his thumb. Tiffany felt a slight throb between her legs. She hadn't had sex in so long, so dumb shit like that had her turnt up."Mourice,you are a nasty eater, I repeat."

Mowry laughed,"I saw your face. You liked that?" Tiffany got quiet pulling a piece of chicken off her fork with her teeth. "Don't get quiet now." Tiffany shrugged, "I can't say. I don't know,I guess." Mowry licked his thick lips,"What you mean you don't know?" Tiffany watched Mowry's tongue slide across his lips again.

"We ain't talking about this." Tiffany told him. Mowry eyed her,"Are you a virgin?" Tiffany said nothing. Mowry shrugged eating again before looking at his phone. "It's 8:45. When do you go back?" Tiffany drank her water. "9:15 because Stan was gone almost an hour for his lunch"

Mowry nodded. Tiffany looked at Mowry studying the cuts on his face. He was still sucking his fingers. Tiffany threw a napkin at him. He looked up at her as Tiffany pointed to the napkin. Mowry ignored her gesture, and ran his tongue all the way up his middle finger. "Nasty ass."Tiffany told him Mowry smiled. Tiffany couldn't help but smile back.

Tiffany pulled her shirt up playing with her belly ring, She had gotten it when her stomach had flatten out more. Mowry looked at her belly button ring. He thought he was slick running his eyes all up and down her thighs, waist, and breasts.

Tiffany watched his eyes, and even let them linger. She'd be lying if she said something in her didn't feel some type of way about it,"Mowry stop." Mowry looked embarrassed that he'd been caught. He stopped looking and said nothing else. "Why you quiet now?"Tiffany asked finally.

"I'm on rock."

"Uhh-- What?" Tiffany sat up straight. Mowry didn't repeat himself as he shoved his hands in his sweat pockets and walked off quickly, passing Tiffany as he went towards the bathroom. At 9:10pm he still hadn't came back. Tiffany sighed getting up to walk to the back of the restaurant to the men's bathroom. A couple guys walked out, but none of them were Mowry.

Did this nigga dine and dash on me?

Tiffany went in the bathroom when she was sure all the dudes had walked out. "Mowry?" Tiffany called as she saw some all black Nike's in the last stall closest to the wall. No answer. "You okay?"

"Hell naw."

"What's wrong."

"My dick won't go down." Tiffany blushed, "Uh, okay I can get some ice from the bar."

"Aight." Tiffany grabbed a paper towel before leaving to have the guy at the bar fill it with some ice cubes.

Tiffany knocked on the stall Mowry was in after she got back, "Do you need to go to a hospital? I heard in sex ed that sometimes if a guy doesn't get his nut off for a while he can get like that. "You're definitely a virgin" Tiffany sucked her teeth leaning her back against the stall door he was in. "Boy shut up. No I'm not."

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