Chapter Six.

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At lunch Jade had convinced Tiffany to sit with her at Mowry's table today. Tiffany had never crossed this side of the line. Mowry was friends with all the druggies, hood rats and hoes. Mowry didn't introduce nobody,and nobody bothered to make no introduction. Tiffany just ate and stayed quiet like she usually did.

"Bae, You got a single dollar?" Jade looked over at Mowry breaking the silence at the table. He pulled out his wallet and Tiffany eyes went real wide. She swore he had at-least a thousand in his wallet.

The rest of lunch continued on quietly till the bell rang.

School was plain boring today, and when the last bell rang Tiffany and Jade rushed out of their last hour out together, to Tiffany's jeep. "Girl, I'm so glad to be outta that damn school.You gottta work today?" Tiffany shook her head no while starting up the jeep, and pulling out the lot,"Jade, what does Mowry do to make money?"

Jade hesitated, and Tiffany looked over at her. "He sell don't he?" Jade shook her head. "Naw." Tiffany drove in the direction of her house,"What he do then?"Jade bit her fake nail nervously before answering,"He's a pimp." Tiffany started laughing, expecting Jade to be joking but she wasn't even laughing. "I'm fo'real. He pretty much own's Bianca Matthews and twenty five other hoes.

Tiffany said nothing. How in the hell do you just BECOME a pimp?

Jade shrugged. "After he told me that, I had nothin' to say. He's just a piece of it. He's just the nigga that turn the girl's out though." Tiffany just shook her head while Jade just nodded at Tiffany's silence. Tiffany pulled up to her house cutting the ignition off as her and Jade got out.


Mr. O'neil had assigned Mowry and Tiffany to do a two day project together. The first day of the project Tiffany,and Mowry spent a total of four hour's together. Cross-country was canceled because it had gotten to cold outside to run. So they had plenty of time before Tiffany had to go in to work. Tiffany's Mom kept talking about Mowry, saying he was so handsome.

Tiffany just rolled her eyes because her Mom ain't know Mowry like she knew Mowry. The 2nd day Tiffany's Mom asked if her, and Mowry could work at his house because she wanted the house to herself. Mowry said no all that day until they realized they couldn't do it anywhere else. The library closed today during school hours, and Jade had to work.

Mowry had Tiffany left her car at home as they took his silver range rover. Tiffany stayed quiet the entire time there. She started to get nervous when he drove deeper into the ghetto though. He lived in a real bad part of Norfolk. He pulled up to the curb, and they got out.

Mowry unlocked the front door.

Tiffany was expecting his house to be dirty for some reason, but it was clean and it looked homely. It smelled like weed and men though. The stairs creaked as Tiffany took out the poster board and Mowry sat on the couch. Tiffany smelled a sweet aroma, and looked up to see a man standing over her in just a wife beater smokin'.

He was to damn fine. "Hello precious." He smiled taking a long pull on his cigar. Tiffany blushed,"Hi."

"This my dad." Mowry introduced. "Hi Mr. Tahj." Tiffany tried to be polite, but he was making her nervous. He just nodded at her walking off. He wasn't gonna try to turn her out was he? Tiffany started writing on the poster board.

"Naw Tiffany erase that. That shit don't make sense." Mowry snatched the board from around her. Tiffany smacked his leg looking back it him. "You need to stop hitting me. Mowry glared at her. "Beat Nina's ass not mine. I don't make F's" Mowry corrected Tiffany's writing on on the poster board. Tiffany watched him bite his lip while he fix it.

He had some thick ass lips. Tiffany didn't realize she was staring so damn hard at his mouth until he was looking down at her from the couch. "What you looking at?" A small smirk played on Mowry's lips. Tiffany shook her head sitting on the couch beside him to stretch out her legs. "You write good for a boy." Tiffany eyed his hand writing.

"Fo'real? Thanks."

"Y'all want sum food?" Tiffany looked up to see his Dad putting a plate of nacho's in-front of them. Tiffany eyed it suspiciously. Did it have a date-rape drug or something in it? Tiffany watched Mowry eat from the right off the plate. So the left of the plate had the drug in it. Tiffany ate from the right of the plate too.

"Thank you." Tiffany said as Mowry's dad nodded, walking off. Mowry put the poster board down dipping a chip in the sour cream. They both ate quietly till Mowry got up and went into the kitchen. He came back holding two can's of sprite."Thank you." Tiffany sipped hers. Mowry took his to the head with ease before eating again.

They got done with the project in about two hours. Tiffany yawned and without realizing she fell asleep.

Four hours later she woke up around 9pm, and she immediately jumped up looking around thinking they probably drugged her. She was laying down in somebody's bed. Tiffany got up quickly looking around for her shoes. She couldn't find them so she left the room sneaking around in the dark house looking for Mowry to ask him to take her back home and to help find her shoes

Tiffany walked down stairs to see Mowry sitting on the couch. Tiffany sighed with relief. They hadn't drugged her. "Mowry, can you take me home?" Tiffany stood in front of him blocking the TV. "Fuck you doin'? Move broad." Tiffany looked at him surprised, "Excuse me?Who the fuck you talkin' to?"

"Who the fuck are you to be talkin' to me like that?".

"Tif" Tiffany looked up hearing somebody call her. Mowry had a twin? Tiffany fumed red with embarrassment. "That's my older brother Marlon." Tiffany moved out the way walking over to Mowry, "I didn't know you had a twin."

Mowry shrugged,"Nobody do. You ready?" Tiffany nodded, "Want me leave the poster here?" Mowry nodded,"Yeah. You got all yo shit?"

"I cant find my shoes."

Mowry jogged up the stairs with Tiffany following behind. Mowry clicked the bed- room light on. His room was clean. Mowry went in his closet pulling her shoes off the shoe rack, "Here." Tiffany thanked him. Mowry nodded,"You got some cute ass toes." Tiffany looked at him weird. "Damn, why you can't never take no compliment?" Tiffany sat down putting her shoes on,"You got a foot fetish?" Mowry looked hella offended, "Naw. Some girls just got some creatures in they shoes."

Tiffany laughed tying her sneakers up. "You should wear some heels." Mowry watched her making her a little nervous,"Why?" Mowry shrugged," You'd look hella sexy in some stiletto's." Mowry said seriously. Tiffany blushed, "Lets go." Mowry smiled,"Damn I don't get no thank you." Tiffany stood up smiling a bit,"Thank you. Mowry nodded, "Come on short stuff." Mowry towered her by two feet.

Tiffany left his room with him following behind.

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