Chapter 7

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Aqua eyes awaken in a blur. Blinking hastily, she tried to get rid of the tears gathering. Taking in deep breaths, she got up slowly. "Another one?" She whispered to her self, dragging her fingers across crimson hair.

Yet again that demon had plagued her dreams, if she could even call them that. Sweat dripped down the pale face.

Kushina's nightmares were getting worst. Ever since the Kyuubi had been sealed into her. It had created nightmares for her, making her life miserable. To be force to hold such a being inside of her, she wondered why she had never given in.

But, yesterday was different. She didn't have the burden of the giant fox inside of her. No longer will she have to speak to the thing again. Yet somehow it still takes over her lovely dreams.

She wanted to see Nanami. The woman was so beautiful, and was so kind to her. Even with her being the village's outcast with only two close friends, a third party slowly gaining her trust.

Namikaze Minato, What a strange boy. He was usually picked on because he looked so wimpy, yet he was able to outsmart everyone in the class. He didn't even have a clan to back him up! He had almost beaten a Uchiha the other day. (Not that she couldn't) He was actually pretty cool.

When Kushina had gotten to school, he had saved a bento box for her! A bento made by Nanami herself. It had tasted amazing and Kushina had wondered if she would be lucky enough to have someone like Nanami as her mother.

'I wonder, if Nanami would take a a Genin team?' She thought smiling slightly. 'If she does, I hope she picks me'.


Scarlett hair sways lightly as Nanami makes her way towards the hokage tower. Giving a few waves of hello, and receiving small smiles back, today was a nice day. Kinda like the calm before a storm.

She gives a sly grin, walking a path she has been so many times. Nanami pauses for a bit, spotting a glimpse of sliver hair in the crowd, it looked similar to Kakashi's colour. It wasn't as bright as Kakashi's yet it was still beautiful in it's own way.

'Sakumo' Nanami instantly thought. He looked to be heading to the tower as well. 'I've gotta see what this is about'.

Nanami stealthily followed Sakumo the rest of the way to the tower, wanting to see what he was up to. 'Well this isn't fun' she thought, leaping in front of the silver head man. "W-who are you" he jumps back, getting into a stance. "I've never seen you before" he glares releasing a large amount of killer intent.

Nanami unaffected by it due to Kurama smiles back. "Hi, I'm Nanami Namikaze!" Sakumo frowns. "The woman claiming to be Minato mother? Luka wasn't the type to put herself out there, to most she was a no-name ninja. Yet here you are claiming to be her." Sakumo hissed, causing Nanami to step back.

This was not the reaction she was thinking about. She would have to research about this Luka woman. "Calm down Sakumo. I'm on my way to receive a mission from the Hokage. Why don't you join me?" She asks steadily.

Sakumo shifts slightly before relaxing. "I don't know who you are, or where you're from, but I'm not a fool. You're not who you claim to be, yet something is telling me to trust you, so I will" Sakumo says while catching up to Nanami's fast pace walking. 'I see. It won't be easy to gain his trust. Even so, I must refrain from telling to many people about my situation'.

"As you wish".

Hokage Tower

"I was expecting Nanami, but not you Sakumo. What brings you here?" Hiruzen askes. Sakumo merely glares at him. "What were you thinking Hokage-sama! Letting this woman impersonate Luka?!" Sakumo shouts out harshly, sending a piercing glare towards Nanami.

"I understand your concern, but you are asking me to reveal a S rank secret, Sakumo" Hiruzen sighs tiredly. Nanami smiles sadly. "Sakumo-san, Please refrain yourself from shouting at the Hokage. I am here on a S rank mission. That is all that I'm able to reveal. Try to dig deeper into this and I cannot guarantee your safety" Nanami spoke slowly, yet fiercely.

"Now that this is settled. Hiruzen, I have come her for a easy B rank mission to patrol our borders." Nanami said to Hiruzen, hoping he would get the hint that she wanted to go and find where Madara could be.

"Oh yes, Nanami. Here you go. Two C rank missing nins have appeared inside our borders, please eliminate them and return swiftly. We don't want Minato to worry." Hiruzen agreed. "Hokage-sama! Please don't forget that I am still here!" Sakumo said angrily, pissed that the two were ignoring him.

'Jeez. Was he always so hot-tempered, or is it only when Luka is involved?' Nanami asked herself giving Sakumo a questioning glance.

"I have not forgotten that you are there Sakumo, yet you are wasting your time. If this is all you came here to do, they Leave!" Hiruzen commanded, not giving Sakumo a chance to speak.

Without out a single word Sakumo left.

"Well... that went well" Nanami commented gaining a glare from Hiruzen. "Shut up, Nanami. Just leave and then report to me".

Nanami gave Hiruzen a mock bow before leaving. "Okay then. I'll be off! Tell Minato I'll be back late!"

"What am I going to do with that girl?" Hiruzen smiled to himself.

I'm so sorry guys! My story is all over the place and there are so many plot holes, but there's a reason why. I've recently lost interest in the Naruto fandom. I'll try to keep writing for my beloved readers but... this just isn't fun anymore.

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