11: Alvin Jr

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"Hey, Clem... go over and see if you can change the bandages on your brothers wound." Bonnie said as she wrapped a cloth around Luke's injured leg. "I offered but... I don't think he was comfortable with me doin' it." Clementine looked over at Jake. "You're his sister. Maybe he'll let you do it." Clementine nodded. "Okay." She muttered. "That a girl." Bonnie said to her. She handed Clementine a bottle of peroxide. "That's gonna sting, but only for a second. It's gonna clean it." Clementine sighed. "Oh, I know what it does... it's gonna suck." "It's gotta get done." Luke told her.

Clementine nodded and walked over to her brother with peroxide in her hand. Ready to clean his wound given by Carver.

"How about Alvin Jr?" Jake said when his sister walked up to him. "Whatcha think?" Clementine thought about the name. "Rebecca told me she wanted to name him Alvin... if it was a boy. She was pretty out of it, she hadn't settled on a name." Clementine smiled at Jake. "I like it." Jake smiled and looked at the child. "Sup, Alvin Jr?" The baby just looked at him in curiosity. "I think AJ's cool with the name." Jake said happily.

"Whatcha got there?" Jake asked, looking at the object in Clementine's hand. "I'm pretty sure I'm all right." Jake said to her. "Bonnie offered, but I told her it was fine." Clementine shrugged. "I'm changing your bandage." "Got no choice... huh?" Jake said to her. "You don't." Clementine said. Jake glared at the ground. "You shouldn't havta to stuff like this..." He said. Clementine raised an eyebrow. "Shouldn't have to do a lot of things." She stated. Jake sighed. "Okay. Might as well get it over and done with." Jake said and took off his old black baseball cap. "Hopefully it don't frighten anyone..." Jake looked at his sister.

"Or you." He said. Long bangs hung in Jake's eyes, and his spiky gelled mullet hung at the back of his neck. Flicking off his neck.

Clementine frowned at her brother, and slowly took off his bandage. Clementine cringed at the gross sight. "So how's it?" Jake asked. "It gon' look good when it heals?" He asked. "Well, it looks a lot better than it did." Jake shrugged. "That's a start, I guess."

Clementine placed the rag under the bottle and poured the liquid into the rag. She gave Jake a worried look. "So..." Jake said. "This is the shitty part I assume." He added. "So, this is gonna hurt like hell." Clementine said. "Sure... just bluntly put it out there, Clem. Scare me even more. Why not?" Jake said. Clementine smiled and shook her head.

In all seriousness, Clementine softly applied the rag onto her brothers eye, to which he reacted negatively. "God fuckin' dammit!" He cursed. "You need to stop squirming." Clementine said to her brother.

"Yeah... yeah, okay." Jake said and calmed down. Clementine applied the rag softly onto the wound again, making Jake flinch again. "Sorry about the language, kid..." Jake said to the child. "Y'er gonna be a tough bastard when y'er grown." Jake said to him. "Maybe he won't need to be that tough by then." Clementine said. "He'll grow up fast in all this." She added. "Yeah..." Jake agreed.

Jake sighed. "You were right about givin' myself up..." He said. "Why was I willin' to sacrifice Alvin to that bastard just to hold out a little longer?" Jake cursed under his breath quietly. "We shoulda saved 'em. Got him outta the camp." Jake looked at AJ. "Gon' be thinkin' about that, every time I look at this dude." He said. "Alvin should be here..." Jake said. "With his son. Raisin' 'em. Not us..." "The best you can do for Alvin... and Rebecca... is raise him right." Clementine told him. "Make sure he's safe." Jake slightly nodded. "I intend to." He said.

Clementine was finished with the wound. She pulled out a new bandage and wrapped it around her brothers head. "All done." She said. "Thanks, Clementine." Jake told her. Clementine nodded. "Yup." "Are we ready to go?" Bonnie asked over Clementine's shoulder. Jake put his baseball cap back on and nodded.

"Let's head out." Bonnie said.

Brother of Clementine (Re-written)Where stories live. Discover now