25: First Day

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"Jones?" A voice spoke through the door. Jake stood up and walked toward the door. "You Jones? Jake Jones?" Jake nodded. "Okay kid. Follow me to the armoury and grab a rifle, and I'll lead you to your position." Jake nodded. "Someone will be here for you soon." He said to Clementine. The two left the room.

Clementine sat down and continued to read her book she started.

I took him by the hand and ran with him through the park. Beautiful fall leaves lied all around. He suddenly let go of my hand. I asked him what he was doing. He grinned at me and threw a handful of leaves at me. I laughed and picked up more leaves to throw at him. Just as I faced him he tackled me to the ground. We fell to the ground laughing. He pinned my wrists above my head. He then planted his lips to mine.

A knock echoed through the door. Clementine sighed and put the book down and stood up. She walked to the door and opened it. Revealing a woman standing in the door way. "Are you Clementine Jones?" She asked. "Yes?" Clementine nervously replied. "Come with me." She said.

Clementine closed the door and followed the woman.


"Just over there." The woman pointed. Clementine nodded and looked at the group of kids. She took a deep breath and walked over to them.

"Joey!" "Here!" "Isaac!" "Yup." The teacher looked over at Clementine and smiled at her. "You must be Clementine. I'm Ms. Riley." Clementine lightly smiled at her. "Stand over there." Ms. Riley pointed. Clementine walked beside a girl about her age.

"Abigail Smith." She said with her hand out. Clementine could tell the southern accent in her voice. This girl had pale white skin, light blue eyes, short light blonde hair, a denim jacket, light blue jeans, and skate shoes. She smiled and shook her hand. "Clementine Jones." What caught Clementine's eye was a purple streak highlight in her bangs.


"You have anyone in this city?" Clementine asked Abigail. "Yeah, got an older sister workin' as a mechanic. Her name's Kendra. She took care of us f'er a long time, before we ran into Fords City." She looked up at Clementine. "How about you? Got any family?" Clementine nodded. "My older brother, Jake." Abigail nodded. "How old's y'er brother?" She asked. "21. Your sister?" "20. I'm 16." Clementine's face lit up. "So am I." The more these two connected, the more they found about what they had in common with one another.

"Start cleaning up! School's starting soon!" Abigail grinned at Clementine. "That's Alfred. Bastard loves hearin' 'emself talk." Clementine chuckled. "And is in love my sister." "How does she feel?" Clementine asked. Abigail shook her head. "Ohhh... she fuckin' hate's him!" Abigail told her. "And I don't blame 'er. It'd suck if a guy that ain't even hot hit on ya each day." Clementine scrunched her face. "Ewww..." She said.

"Shit. Here he comes." Abigail groaned. "Hey, Abigail." Alfred spoke. "Your sister busy tonight?" She shrugged. "Why don'tcha go find out?" A grin formed on his face and he walked away.

"Dipshit." Clementine said. Abigail smiled and gave her a "yeah" kind of look. "Well, see ya later, Clementine is it?" She smiled at her and nodded. "Okay, just makin' sure." She said. Clementine smiled confidently. She managed to make a friend her first day.

She knew they would get along just fine.


*A few hours later

"Okay listen up!" He shouted at them. "This goddamn city will be ours by tommorrow!" The hunters began chanting. "Don't get too cocky now, the place is bigger than you think!" He said. "But we will take this place. And it will be ours! Just like Pittsburgh !" He added.

"Kill every single fuckin' person you see! Leave no survivors!" Hunters raised their fists in the air and chanted.

"What if it don't work?" He looked at him. "It sure is gonna fuckin' work!" "Well fuck it! Let's take those bastard out!" Everyone began cheering. "Make sure your weapons are loaded, blades are sharpened, cause this is gonna be a helluva fight!" He said.

"We're leavin' first thing in the mornin'. We're movin' out as soon as the sun rises. Fords City is a helluva walk. And I don't want to hear any bitching." Everyone began cheering. "Save Ford f'er me, I've got a history with him." He told them.

Brother of Clementine (Re-written)Where stories live. Discover now