21: Following the Trail

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Jake suddenly woke up. Not recognizing where he was. He remembered a hunter giving orders in front of him. Then everything went black. Now here he was. Jake stood up and looked around the area. He recognized it as the store Noah was taking them before the hunters jumped out. "That FUCKIN' kid!" Jake shouted. "I'mma fuckin' kill that little shit!" Jake said. His face was burning up from anger. His hands going numb. He kicked the door open. A walker reached out for Jake. He grabbed the walker and pushed it forward into the glass. He then pushed the walkers head into the glass shard. Stabbing through the walkers skull.

He ripped the walker out of the door and threw him on ground. He raised his foot and stomped on the walkers head. Jake grabbed the dead walker and threw it at the glass. The dead walker slammed through the glass. Jake angrily kicked some mud. Sending it soaring through the air. Jake looked at the road. Thanks to the rain earlier, tires sunk into the mud. Making tracks. Jake followed them. Hoping to find his sister where the tracks were leading.


The tracks lead to a camp. Jake scouted the area. Seeing several hunters by the entrance. Jake glared into the camp. "Y'er in there somewhere, Clementine." Jake muttered to himself. A frown formed on his face. He closed his eyes and sighed. He was determined to get Clementine out of there. Noah would be lucky if they didn't cross paths. Jake clenched his fist. He pulled out his pistol. Checked the clip. Fully loaded. Slipping the clip back into the gun and cocked it. "I'm comin' f'er ya, Clem." Jake muttered. He slowly and carefully walked the lands of the hunters.


"I was the one who punched that little whore." A hunter said. "That was you? Goddamn man." "What? Bitch had it coming. After she kicked Leon, that was fucking it!" "Heh, whatever you say man."

A bullet flew into one of the hunters throats. His scream came out jagged as blood spewed onto the ground. "What the fuck!" The other said. A knife pierced his neck and he was lowered to the ground. Jake ripped them knife from his neck and wiped the blood off.   

A bullet flew into the ground near Jake. "Over there!" Jake ran for cover. "God fuckin' dammit!" Jake cursed.

He pulled out his gun and aimed it at them.

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