1: The Truck

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*Present Day

The group sat silently in the truck. Clementine glanced at her brother, who she was reunited with the previous day. The truck hit another bump. Clementine then glanced at the bruises and cuts on Carlos' face from Carver. Clementine glanced back at her brother. He was glancing around the truck, likely thinking of a plan of escape. Clementine knew he was always the person to take action.

"A'ight y'all, we gotta do somethin'. Is there anything sharp we can use? Anything?" Jake said. No one answered him. "We havta get these bindings off." Jake peered over at Clementine. "Clementine! Help me find somethin' to get these off!" He said to her. "And what good is that gonna do?" Rebecca asked him. "Are you fuckin' serious bro? We gotta get outta here." Jake said to them.

"Why bother?" Clementine said. Jake looked at her. "What? You really just said that!?" Jake snapped. Clementine shrugged. "I just don't see how it's gonna help." "Well, we're in a precarious position here. We gotta do somethin' 'bout that!" Jake said in a louder voice. "Settle down Jake." Carlos said. "They took everything. We have to keep a level head."

Rebecca nodded and looked at Jake. "He's right. You don't know Bill like we do." Jake glared at her. "Bill? This whole time it's Carver, Carver, Carver and now he's motherfuckin' Bill!?" Rebecca frowned at him. "Oh, I see what it is." Jake started. "Y'all're just gettin' a ride home, ain'tcha? That's what's goin' on here." Jake said. "Say that again." Nick jeered. "I'd stay outta this, bro." "Listen kid, I ain't your bro!"Nick stated to him. "A'ight. Whatever, bro!" Jake said and glared at him.

"You don't understand." Rebecca said to the teenager. "He's different... he's worse." "The hell ya talkin' about?" Jake questioned her. "He wants to punish us." Rebecca said back. "Is he... is he gonna kill us?" Clementine asked Rebecca. "I- I don't think so..."She assured. "He ain't gonna get the chance!" Jake said.

"You have no idea what you are dealing with!" Carlos said. "Oh, I gotta pretty good idea at the lodge of who the hell he is! I ain't sittin' around and lettin' what happened to Walt happen to the rest of us!" Jake said to him. Carlos continued to glare at Jake. "Dude! I'm tryna help!" Jake said. Carlos scowled toward him. "I'm sure Walter really appreciated your help!" He said. Jake frowned and closed his eyes. "That's not fair!" Sarita said. "You're blaming him for the actions of a madman!" She said.

"I am pointing out," Carlos started. "regardless of intent, there are consequences to rash actions. Something that he seems to be misreading as capitulation." Carlos said, eyeing at Jake. "I dunno what the hell y'er sayin', but I know it's complete bullshit! We havta do somethin'!" Jake stated. "Jake..." Sarita said, trying to calm the teenager down. "You can't reason with him." Rebecca said to Sarita.

Jake glanced beside Clementine. "Aw hell yes. There we go!" Everyone glanced to where he was glancing and there was a broken piece of metal. Jake stood up and walked toward it.

"Sit down. You're going to get us all killed." Jake began cutting the rope on his wrists. "Y'all don't know what y'er talkin' about. We get thrown in a kennel like a buncha fuckin' dogs, we done for. 'Cause ya see, I've been in this situation before. And it was in a meat locker, not a goddamn truck!"

"Jake's right... we have to do something. We can't just sit here." Clementine said. "Clem, the adults are talking." Carlos told her. She glared at him and said, "Is that what this is?"

"A'ight, we talkin' now." Jake said and stood up. "Carver will be on the other side of that door with ten people." Carlos said to Jake. He turned and glared at Carlos. "You listen here, dude. I don't give two shits about YOU or-" Jake said before Sarah began crying.

"There, there baby. It's okay. Everything's gonna be fine." Rebecca said. "At this point, maybe Luke is the only hope we have." Carlos said. "If he'd a' did somethin' he'd've done it already." Jake said. Rebecca glared at him. "Who knows what he's dealing with. Anything can happen out there."

"Ya wanna know what happened? I'll tell ya, he abandoned us!" Jake said. "You don't know that." Nick said in Luke's defence. "Ya sure about that? The guy's a flake. I could tell the second I set eyes on 'em!" Jake said. "Jake's probably right. He would've helped us by now if he was going to." Clementine said. "You don't know what he's been going through since we left the lodge." Rebecca said. "None of us do." She added.

"We don't even know if he's still alive." Carlos said. "Or that he knows where we went." He added. "Right. All we do know is that he ain't helpin' us." Jake said. Then again, the truck hit a bump. "We're close." Carlos said. "Okay. Let's do this." Jake said. Rebecca glared at him. "They have guns. What exactly do you expect to do?" "I'mma punch the first son of a bitch I see. Then I'mma take his gun and use it to shoot the next son of a bitch I see." Jake said.

"Just sit down!" Carlos said. "Shut y'er mouth, doc! This ain't y'er call." Jake said. As he faced to turn the door he said, "A'ight... everybody re-" The truck came to a sudden stop, causing Jake to go face first into the door, knocking him out cold. "Jacob!" Clementine shouted. "Jake are you okay?" Sarita asked. "Is he okay?" Rebecca asked. "I think so." Clementine assured. "Aw, bro... what hit me?" Jake asked slowly.

"It's probably for the best." Carlos said.

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