26: The Mechanic

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"So, what did you do before all this?" Clementine asked Abigail as they walked down the street. "Well, as much as ya'd expect a kid to do. Go to school, hang out with friends, hung out with my sister, that kinda stuff." She looked at Clementine. "What about you?" Clementine thought for a second. "Pretty much the same thing. Except I loved to annoy my brother. He hated it, but that's just what little sisters do." Clementine slightly chuckled. "I remember always being bored and would force my brother to hang out with me, and I'd never leave him alone 'till he said yes. I even hid his skateboard from him one day."

Abigail warmly smiled. "Me too, I would always tease my sister and annoy her, but it was all in good fun. At the end of the day, she was my best friend." She said.

Clementine smiled at her. "God, I miss the old days." She said. "Yeah. Before the dead, life was easy, ya wouldn't havta worry about gettin' killed all the time." Abigail said. Clementine nodded in agreement.

"Did you ever have to kill?" Clementine asked. "The dead?" Clementine shook her head. "The living." Abigail looked at her. "Who don't?" Clementine nodded. "It's easier to kill the walkers, but it's different with people." Clementine said. "Walkers huh? Ain't bad." Abigail said. "But the people? Yeah, it ain't easy." Abigail said to her.


"Heya sis." A young woman said. "Hey Ken." Abigail greeted back. Clementine looked at the woman. Having very similar short haircuts, light blonde hair, pale skin like Abigail's, freckles across her nose, light blue eyes, ruined eye shadow, and a faded dark green mechanic suit, covering black converse shoes. "Who's y'er friend?" She questioned as she sat down. "Clementine." Abigail said. Kendra smiled at Clementine and nodded. "Hey. I'm Kendra." She said. Clementine smiled back and raised her hand.

"You off?" Abigail asked. "F'er now. Gotta work in an hour, came to get a quick meal, but saw y'all here and just came to say hey." Someone entered the restaurant, drawing the girls attention. "Isn't that-" "Alfred." Abigail said, interrupting Clementine. Kendra sighed. "Son of a bitch..." She muttered.

Alfred walked up to the counter and began ordering his drink. He glanced around the place and put his hands in his pockets. He caught sight of Kendra and told the lady to hold on. As he walked over to them, he adjusted his hat.

"Sup Kendra?" He said and leaned against the seat. "Fuck off Alfred. I ain't tellin' ya again." Kendra said harshly. "Okay, that's cool. Just wanted to ask if ya wanted toooo... ya know... hang out later if you ain't busy." "Sorry, lotta work to do today." Kendra told him. "C'mon Ken, just ask f'er some time off, it ain't that hard." He said and laid his hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, leave her alone man." Some one said, gripping his arm. Alfred pushed him away. "So whatcha say? Ya up f'er-" Suddenly, he was violently shoved to the ground. "Back away from 'er, bro!" He told him. Alfred was filled with rage. He quickly stood up and charged the individual. Alfred suffered a quick punch to the jaw. He fell to the ground dazed and confused.

The man turned around, revealing it was Jake. "Ya okay?" He asked Kendra. "Yeah, I'm good." Kendra told him, surprised at what just happened. Jake nodded. "Hey sis." He said, slightly raising his hand. Clementine gave him a small wave, also taken by surprise.

"That's y'er brother?" Abigail questioned. Clementine nodded. The three girls watched Jake grab his beer and exit the building. "Damn... catch me Kendra, cuz he's hot." Abigail said. Clementine also caught Kendra eyeing her brother. Clementine grinned and chuckled.

"Hey, I see ya eyein' Clem's brother." Abigail said, nudging her sisters arm. Kendra didn't say anything. "Well, I gotta go. Gon' try gettin' work done early. See ya sis." Kendra said and gave Abigail a small hug and left. "She totally likes y'er brother." "Uh-huh, and you're the one who said that my brothers hot." "Cause he is!" Abigail told her. Clementine smiled and slouched into her seat. "Whatever you say."

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