We're Demigods (Part Three)

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The feeling of anxiety never left the camp that year. Everyone was nervous about the thickening war against the Titans. Disasters are happening all over US as forces of monsters brought terror at their awakening. The almighty monster of Mount St. Helens, Tyhpon, who Percy Jackson awakened last year, is now fighting the Olympian gods as he approach east coast.

Chiron told them to lessen their calls to the mortal world. Even with the protective border, security at camp seemed to have weaken as the gods face their near destruction. This warning was obviously directed at Daniel, but he told Chiron he won't stop calling Kathryn to check on her safety. Kathryn didn't like this rule-breaking thing.

"You know, if it wasn't rude, I'd slash this stupid mist right now." Kathryn glared from her side of the call. She's perched on her window sill, cleaning her knife and crossbow. Her hair was adorned with dried leaves fashioned to a crown, matching her light brown eyes.

Daniel smiled apologetically. "Loosen a little, will you? I'm just checking if you're still alive."

"You called yesterday."

"A lot could happen in a day." Daniel sighed. "Annabeth got here yesterday..."

"And Beckendorf?" Kathryn asked, ignoring her weapons and focusing on him completely.

"He's scheduled to fetch Percy for the operation tomorrow. He and Annabeth's been up all night reviewing the tactics, pointing out what could go wrong. So far Beckendorf told everybody that the worst case scenario is Percy refusing to go with him because he prefers Annabeth's company. She's close to strangling the guy."

Kathryn laughed a little. "The operation would go well, they've been on this for months. And sure with Annabeth's help, nothing would go wrong." She smiled.

"When are you coming to camp?"

She sighed. "My aunt wouldn't let me. She said it's too dangerous for me."

"But camp is safer than anywhere in the planet!" He said indignantly.

"I know that." She nodded sympathetically to Daniel. "But with the war soon, I don't think I want to leave them too."

"So you'd leave us?" Daniel said, shocked.

"No!" She shook her head frantically. "No! I would always be loyal to the camps and the gods. And I will fight the war. But I'm thinking if I could fight the war here, with them beside me. I want to protect them, Daniel."

Daniel understood Kathryn. He knew that feeling, because once upon a time, he had someone to protect too. His mother. But now that she's gone, he was left with no one. And now that he's starting to have someone he wanted to protect, she was slipping away because of this stupid Titan War.

"I'm going with you." He whispered.

"No." She said gravely. "This is my fight, Daniel. You should stay safe."

"You're always saying that, Kathryn!" He gasped, exasperated.

"Because I want you safe! You're safe there at camp." Her eyes were shiny.

"But I want you safe more than me, more than anyone!" He clenched his fists. Kathryn grew quiet and looked at him like he was talking alien. "Look, Kathryn. You can't stay where you are. And you can't fight alone! I'm going there. We will take your Aunt and Grandmother to Maryland, I have a place there-"

He didn't have the chance to finish his sentence. From the mist, Daniel saw how the lights went out in Kathryn's room. Then her image shook, and she yelped in terror.

"Kathryn!" He almost slashed the mist in panic.

"Daniel." Her voice was terrified. "The monsters must've found me. I have to go."

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