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For all those who dreamed of changing the world, we can, we still can. It will never be too late.

"Do you think we could change the world?" Kathryn asked, holding Daniel's hand as they lie, side by side.

Above them was the dark cloudless sky full of what looked like tiny silver tear drops. They have been staring at it for at least an hour, trying to spot constellations they learned ten years ago. There was forest everywhere, surrounding the circular space they occupy that doesn't have a tree in it. Kathryn touched the grass, it was wet, but she somehow wished there wasn't a mat separating their bodies and the grass. It would've felt ticklish but great, like the cold breeze blowing through the trees. She wrinkled her nose as the wind whistled, then scooted towards Daniel who accommodated her with draping an arm across her stomach.

"No." He breathed more than he said. "It wouldn't take just one or two of us to change the world, honey."

Kath's eyebrows drew closer, making herself comfortable in his arms, "I want to change the world."

Daniel sniggered. "That is rather an ambitious 'wanting'." He noticed a star to his left, it was brighter and larger than the other stars around it.

"Hey, I'm serious." Kath swatted his arm. "I want to change the world real bad." She said, with all the conviction she could give in that minute.

"I wanted to change the world too," He paused, "before."

The sky didn't look as interesting as it was before. Kathryn rolled to her stomach, catching the mixing smell of wet grass and Daniel. She peered up to see his face, his eyes fixed on the dark blanket of stars enveloping them.

"Before? You wanted to change it before?" She questioned, "Why? Why before? What happened to now and that dream?"

"Because as you said, it is a dream." He gave a quick glance at her before looking back to the sky, "And now i am finally awake."

"Awake to what?" The back of her stomach was twitching, her voice sounding testy.

"Awake to reality, honey." Her lips was about to move when he followed his words. "And you're the one who woke me."

The annoyance lurched from the back of her stomach to just beneath her chest. She lied on her back again, placing her head on his arm. One minute she was asking him if she could change the world, the other she's learning she'd killed the fire of change inside him.

"How?" She inquired, wondering at what point did she exactly strangled the kid that was Daniel.

"I just did when I realized I love you." Sounding rather proud, "I came back to my senses. I can't make the whole world great, but I can make ours great."

"But," She contested.

"Changing yourself could help the world a little, honey."

"Would it really change the world even a little?" She questioned. "Sure, It will change your world, our world. But are those worlds part of the reality you're speaking of? Or was it part of the dream you had when you were asleep?"

"I haven't looked at it that way." He said, surprised with the things they're speaking of. He took a good minute, thinking of ways to answer her. "The world looked pretty much similar with the dream."

"So does that mean you were living that dream in what you call reality?" A smile shone from her lips.


"Then that makes the dream not different from the reality, right?" She glanced over at him, now his brows were knitted together.

"I suppose so." His voice was reluctant, but his lips was showing a knowing smile.

"Then, you can say that you are not exactly awake from the dream. If the dream we have was the same with the dream everyone else have, then what makes it different with reality? If we all shared a dream, if we dream the same dreams, not long they wouldn't be just dreams anymore."

There was a very long pause. Daniel's breath evened as the night drew deeper. He was clutching on Kathryn's sides, his lips grazing on her left cheek. The temperature was dropping by the minute, but they had kept each other warm.

Kathryn noticed the brightest star on their left, the one he had noticed a while ago, then whispered in her softest voice, "That star on the left, i think it's watching us."

He drowned himself in the aroma of their scents mixing, before kissing her left cheek and whispering the words finally, "I want to change the world."

Kathryn answered his statement with a long, sealing kiss. "I'm with you. We will change the world."

They kissed for some more. The next day, the two of them woke up from the dream they shared.


Note: Too much for my philo class. It's my finals week! :) Not long we'd be together again.

Listen, guys, look at these two talking. Aren't they the cutest exchanging their thoughts? 😍 These children, like most of us, wants to change the world. Let us help each other. 😃

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