Chapter 31

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***Author's Note***

Guess who's back! Hey guys! *Hides face* 

Ahh..I know its been so long. Feels like forever. But hey, I'm back now. And trust me when I say, I wont leave this time! I promise!

But thank you so so so so much for being so patient. I owe you guys BIG TIME! I'm not going to go on a rant here and explain why I was missing for so long. But if you reallyyyy want to know, feel free to inbox me haha. 

Anyways, since I've been gone for so long, I have to read my own story to refresh my memory haha. But, Ive re-read just the last chapter for this particular update so if you find anything that does not make sense please let me know!

Hope you all like this update. 


"I'm so much in love with you that its unreal. You're the first thing I think about when I wake up. You're the only person I think about all day long. I can not imagine you with someone else. I was a stupid asshole for pushing you away, Humera.", he continued.

Before he could say anything else, I crashed my lips onto his. I had caught him by surprise. But he responded instantly. His soft lips moved in sync with mine. I wanted to pour out all my emotions in that one kiss. I stood up on my toes and pushed myself closer into him.

His arms snaked around my waist as he picked me up. His tongue invaded my mouth, exploring every inch of it. A slight moan escaped my lips making him stop. He pulled his lips away from mine as I looked into his dark eyes.

"I love you too, Shehryaar.", I whispered before he crushed his lips onto mine once again. This time it was different. My hands pulled onto his hair as he lips moved away from mine.

I sucked in air as he continued to explore my body, His lips moved down my neck, leaving a wet trail. He slightly nibbled on my neck, making me moan a little.

"You're beautiful.", he murmured against my skin.

I had no words whatsoever. I grabbed his face and pulled his lips back onto mine, kissing him hard.

He kissed my lips and moved to my chin and then down my neck placing feather light kisses all over. Harsh breaths escaped my lips as he explored my body.

Moments later, he pulled away as I looked at him and adored him.

"I should feel violated with how you're looking at me, Humera.", he smirked.

I rolled my eyes at him. "I think I can look at you all I want, Mr Shehryaar."

"And why is that?"

"Because only I can.", I said, making sure he was aware of the challenge in my voice.

He raised his eyebrows at me.

"That's true. I love you.", he spoke as his face turned soft.

Warmth filled my heart. "I love you too, Shehryaar."

"What do you want to do?" he asked me after sometime as we sat on the couch just looking at each other.

I shrugged looking into his dark eyes. I really didn't care what we did aas long as we were together.

"Do you ant me to cook for you?"

I was surprised, "You can cook?!"

He looked offended, "Of course I can, Humera." Hussain and I learnt cooking when we were young."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2016 ⏰

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