Chapter 1

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Humera's POV:

"Humiiii", I heard a loud scream, and I dropped my shoulders as I moaned. I turned around and stared at my best friend, Hussain as he casually entered my apartment as if he owned it.

"What's up?", he said, throwing himself down on my couch as he popped open his energy drink.

"Nothing!", I said sarcastically, knowing that he was here to annoy me as usual. He was my best friend since the first year of uni, and we annoyed each other all the time. Though he as better at it.

"I'm making dinner tonight!", he grinned, "Come over!"

I dropped the saucepan that I was holding, in preparation to make dinner, into the sink, and turned around.

"What's the occasion Hussy Bear?", I smirked, folding my arms across my chest.

"Umm...I wanna thank advance.", he looked away uncomfortably.

He was probably the most carefree guy I ever knew, and things didn't easily get to him, unless it was something serious.

"What's wrong?", I raised my eyebrow, as I watched his perfectly chiseled face all saddened up.

I sometimes wondered how I had never fallen for this guy; I mean any girl would've fallen for that face. Those perfect brown eyes, with that dark brown hair, always styled and set with gel, that little stubble, anyone would be instantly drawn towards him.

I guess, our friendship was such that I never really felt the need to fall for him. Me and him were practically two people one with one life. We completed each other. Not in the "love" way though.

"My brother's coming over tonight, for a 3 days...its something about his business...", he spoke softly, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Shouldn't you be happy though? You're gonna be seeing him after 3 years..", I frowned. I hadn't met his family in our entire three years of friendship. I had only heard about them through Hussy.

"There's a problem.", he said, in a low tone.

"And what is that?", I narrowed my eyes at him.

"He's coming over for 3 days, with his entire team of clients, and since the apartment I live in, is technically his...he will be living there."

"So?", furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"He doesn't know I live there...and if he finds out, he will kill me. He is too possessive about his official apartments. He thinks I dorm.", he got up, "So like...I've packed all my stuff.", he walked over to the door and twisted the knob and opened it.

"I'll tell you the rest while having dinner...", he said and walked out, without even waiting for me to reply.

"Hussain Asif!", I yelled as I stared at the closing door, but it was too late.

the phone rang, and I answered trying to stay calm, "Hi Mom."

"Humera!", mom greeted me, and I grinned. "How are you?"

"Good. How are you?", I replied.

"Good, I called you a few minutes back but you didn't answer. Busy?", she asked from the other end.

"Nah, I was just talking to Sain. He had come over."

"Oh, I just called to tell you that you should be expecting a visit soon.", she said and I frowned.

"Visit from whom?", I said, realizing she couldn't see me through the phone.

"Javeria. Anam's daughter. She got into your uni, and she will be staying with you for a few days..until she finds a new place."

"Ughhh", I groaned, dropping my shoulders in dismay. Javeria was a very good friend of mine, until grade 10, when we got into a huge fight, and started hating each other since then.

"Something wrong?", my mom asked, concerned.

"No..everything's fine.", I replied, "I'll talk to you later. Bye.", I disconnected the call. "Great!", I sighed as I made my way to my room, to change.

I pulled out a pair of white jeans, with a blue t-shirt, and tied my hair into a messy bun. Who was going to dress up for a dinner at her best friend's apartment, which was in the same building? Yup, he lived just a few floors above me.

Upon reaching, "Hussy Bear?", I called out cautiously as I noticed that the front door was open.

"Help yourself to some juice that's on the table, I'll be there in five.", he yelled out from his bathroom. "I'm getting dressed."

I took off my shoes and walked over to the table.

"Psh who's needs glasses?", I laughed grabbing the bottle of juice, when he entered the room.

Wearing only shorts.

The sight of him only in shorts could make any girl drool. The perfectly toned arms, and those six pack abs..

"Checking me out?", he snapped my out of my thoughts.

"I thought you were getting dressed!", I exclaimed, looking at him from head to toe.

"Well..I'm wearing something...its called dressing up you know.", he smirked.

"Hussyyyy!", I threw a cushion at him, and he laughed out loud, "Calm down. Zyada khush mat ho. Im just here to take my shirt.", he said grabbing the blue shirt that lay on the couch.

I seriously wondered how he found things around in his apartment. Nothing was ever in its place. I once found a usb in his fridge. And upon asking what it was doing there, he casually replied, "Chilling."

"Lets have dinner!", he came out, wearing the blue shirt, and black pants, but stopped half way through.

"Hummiiiiii what are the glasses for?", he frowned.

He hated when I drank directly out of the bottle, but I did it anyways to annoy him.

"Glasses are for you Hussy Bear!", I made a kissy face at him, and he rolled his eyes.

"What did you make though?", I wondered.

"Russian salad, Falafel, and Pasta.", he exclaimed.

"Dessert?", I frowned.

"I made so much food, and tujhey dessert ki pari hai? Moti!", he laughed, and I smacked his arm.

"I baked cupcakes for dessert.", he smiled.

He knew exactly how much I loved cupcakes. Cupcakes were my weakness. Those fluffy cupcakes, with thick frosting...ahhhhhh I just couldn't get enough of them.

We put on the movie 27 dresses, and started eating dinner. Hussain always watched chick flicks with me, even though he hated them. Hussain ke saath chick flicks dekhne ka maza hi kuch aur hota hai. The way he comments at all the girly things they show in those movies is just too hilarious.

Halfway through the dinner, I couldn't hold it in a and asked, " packed your stuff..what next?"

He looked at me embarrassed, "Promise you won't get mad at me?"

"HUSSAIN!", I exclaimed, "What are you upto?"

"I'm moving into your apartment for 3 days!", he blurted.

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