21-B (Part Two)

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"Where are we going?", I asked him. This was probably the hundredth time I had asked him this in the past 10 minutes.

"It's a surprise.", he answered patiently. How was he so patient even after saying the same thing over and over again.

I grabbed my stomach, as it growled from hunger. I looked at the time in the car. It was 11 thirty.

"I'm hungry.", I mumbled.

Shehryaar gave me a look, before reaching the back seat. H e grabbed a white paper bag and handed it to me.

I eagerly opened the bag as fast as I could and took out a sandwich what was inside it.

Just when I was almost done with the sandwich I realized that Shehryaar wouldn't have eaten as well.

"Want some?", I asked, but my mouth was so full that it sounded like, "Wan tun?"

He shook his head in amusement, "I already ate when you were sleeping."

I shrugged and continued to eat the rest of the sandwich.

When it came to food, I was a hogger. I'd eat almost anything and everything. But thank god I worked out to burn all those calories.

"We're here!", Shehryaar said.

I sighed, and go tout of the car. Looking around, it seemed like a town square. It was kind of humid and warm, and in my mind I was thanking Shehryaar for picking out the summer dress for me. Or else I would have picked out something leather-ish and would've been boiled in this heat.

Shehryaar came and stood next to me.

"I thought you'd like to go some place quieter. Away from all the city noise."

I gave him a toothy grin, and pecked his lips, "You're so sweet, Shehryaar. Thank you."

He smiled back, grabbed my hand and walked through the square.

"It so peaceful here. Not a lot of people, not a lot of noise.", I said observing my surrounding.

"It's a weekday Humera.", he muttered, in an 'Isn't it obvious?" tone. "And I made sure there was no paparazzi here."

I looked at him with my eyes wide. He smiled at me, "You will eventually have to get used to it Humera. They are now a part of your life."

"Is it a bad thing?", I wondered.

He shook his head, "Not necessarily. But it just means that you have to be more careful now."

I took a deep breath, "Yeah. I guess I don't have a choice."

He nodded.

I spoke again, "Maybe it's a good thing that I have you. You will protect me.", I teased, hoping to make the mood a little lighter.

He played along, "Yes. I'll be your king and protect you from everyone else."

I giggled, but before I knew it, my feet swooped off the ground, and I founf myself in his arms.

"Shehryaar!", I squealed as he looked down at me with a smirk.

"I don't want my queen's feet to get dirty.", he winked, making me roll my eyes at him.

"What? You want to become dirty together?", I asked, a wild smirk playing across my lips.

He understood exactly what I meant.

"Humera!", he said, shocked. His jaw looked like it would drop to the floor any second.

I giggled, "Calm down!"

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