Chapter 17

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"You are what?", Shehryaar's eyes widened with surprise.

I shrugged, "I'm leaving. I don't want to be here until Javed Uncle is here.", I swallowed the lump in my throat. "I just want to go away from all this."

Shehryaar walked closer to me, almost trapping me in his presence. His face yet again had the dark look. The expression on his face showed how pissed he was.


"What about me Humera?", he spoke, trapping me between the car and his body. I knew I had no escape.

"You?", I gulped.

"Tum ne mujhe par ek jaadu sa kar diya hai. Tum ab meri dost hi nahi mera har pal ban chuki ho. I don't mean anything to you?"

I shook my head, stunned, "No! I didn't--I mean—actually---", I sighed not being able to express myself, "I'm sorry."

"So you're going?", he asked.

"I don't know.", I shrugged, "My flight is tonight."

"What airlines?"

"American Airlines."

Shehryaar slowly moved away from me and took out his phone. Pressing a few numbers he held up the phone to his ear as I looked at him curiously.

"Jay. Shehryaar Asif. Theres a booking for your tonight's flight under the name of Humera Vohra? Yes.. no...cancel it!...good!"

"What? No!", I shrieked, as soon as he disconnected the call and looked at me giving me his usual smirk.

Flight cancelled. Now you can't go.", he chuckled.

"You cant just do that Shehryaar!", I gave him a death stare.

He smiled, "Well I just did."

Suddenly I had this urge to do something very childish so I decided to stick my tongue out at him. But his reaction stunned me.

He quickly leaned in and gave me a tight hug. I hugged him while three words constantly ran through my head. Jadu. Har pal. Shehryaar.

He pulled back. "Don't ever talk about leaving my Humera!", he growled, as he opened the car door. I slid inside, while his words were still running through my mind. What did he mean by all this? Was I just over thinking it? I didn't know what to say so I decided to remain silent.

"Where are we going?", I asked as he started driving.

"To see Hussain.", he quickly answered.

I boiled with anger, "No! I don't want to see him....please. I know I will end up yelling at him."

Shehryaar gave me a glance, "Humera. You need to understand. You cant compare him to me. I work too. But not when you're around. I work a lot. But only at night. Perk of being an imsoniac."

My heart cringed, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought this topic up."

Shehryaar quickly grabbed my hand even though his eyes were still fixed on the road ahead. "I didn't tell this to you to make you feel guilty. I just said it so you can understand the situation."

I nodded but said nothing. But I was still angry. I understand Hussain has work but that doesn't mean you forget about your best friend. I missed the old Hussain. The Hussain that I had before Shehryaar came.

I was brought back to reality when Shehryaar stopped the car in front of a Starbucks. He got out and opened my door. I crossed my hands across my chest and turned away. I didn't want to met Hussain.

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