Chapter 20

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I stared at Mrs. Asif in shock. She was smiling, but my face wasn't even anywhere close to a smile. I was in utter shock.

I was hoping she would start laughing saying this was all a joke. But she didn't. No one did. I swallowed the lump in my throat as I looked at Hussain and the Shehryaar.

Hussain looked pale, with all the color from his face faded away. He looked at me fear, but when his eyes met mine he looked away, ashamed.

My eyes involuntarily found Shehryaar. He had a murderous look on his face as if someone had invaded his personal space. His eyes fell upon me, and his angry gaze made me look away.

"Um..", I broke out, "I cant! I'm.."

My voice was shaky. Mr. & Mrs. Asif looked at me in shock.

"You guys cant make a decision for her.", Shehryaar finally spoke, his voce stern.

"But they've known each other for quite a few years now, and they're together.", Mr. Asif defended, making it obvious that it was his idea. "Why shouldn't the marry?"

Just as I was about to speak, Hussain's voice came out loud and clear, "Because we aren't together."

We all turned to him in shock.

"What?", Mr. Asif spoke.

"We aren't dating.", he swallowed, "I had asked Humi to pretend to be my girlfriend all this time."

When no one else said a word Shehryaar finally spoke, "And that's because me and Humera are together."

Confusion. The word that describes the situation perfectly. Hussain looked shocked, Mr. Asif didn't know what to do, he had a blank mask on his face, Mrs. Asif just sat there with her face in her hands, and then there was me, confused.

"Lies!", Mr. Asif insisted, "That's not the reason. What is the actual reason?"

Much to my surprise, Shehryaar spoke out, "That is the truth."

He stood up, "I'm dating her!"

I looked at Shehryaar in disbelief, and so did the others.

"You think this is a game?", Mr. Asif yelled out at Shehryaar. "You've always ruined things for us. Why cant you just do something right for once? Why do you always go after your brother's girls?"

I saw Shehryaar. He was hurt. I knew he cared for his parents and would do anything for them to be happy. Even if it meant sacrificing his own happiness.

I snapped. "He doesn't! He never ruins anything. He loves you both so much and he will do anything for you both. Why are you-"

"Don't interfere into our family matters!", Mrs Asif yelled.

I raised my eyebrows at her, "Your family matters?", I spoke, "How about when you decided to get two people married with their consent? I was family then? And as far as Shehryaar is concerned, you should be proud of him. He does so much for you all and all you have to say is this to him?"

"Humi-", Shehryaar spoke, but I didn't stop.

"Wouldn't you want to marry someone who you loved and not someone your parents forced you to marry?", I turned to Mrs. Asif.

I tunred back to mr. Asif, "You know, for people who seem to be understanding and generous, you guys surely know how to make your son feel the most unimportant."

I turned to Shehryaar, "If you want to stay here you can. I'm going."

Shehryaar didn't say anything. Instead he hugged me, "I love you Humera.", he pulled back.

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