Chapter 19

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***** Author's Note *****

Hey ya'll. How are you guys?

*Takes a deep breath*

Okay, so this chapter marks the beginning of the roller coaster ride! I'm so excited......AND NERVOUS!

Buckle up your seat belts!

Haha....Anyways, I hope you all like this chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment!

And do lemme know what you think about it haha!!

Love you all <3

See you soon, with a new update! :)

***** ****** ***** *****


There are a few people who surprise me by whatever they do. Shehryaar was one of them. I was stunned with he had just said. His eyes pierced into mine waiting for an answer. I wanted to say yes, but with all the things going on in my life...

""I don't know how long it will take to get things sorted out.", I whispered. "And you're going to be in Houston only for a few days."

He smiled," I told you Humera, I will wait."

I raised my eyes to look at him.

"And I'm moving to Houston. I'll work from there."

I almost spilled the juice that I was drinking, "What? Are you serious? But Hussain never said-" I left the question half way through because we both knew why. Hussain thought Shehryaar was going to break my heart into a million pieces.

"Relax Humera.", he smiled, sensing my heart hurt on the inside. "I know I'm known as a playboy, who jumps from one girl to another. I don't blame Hussain for trying to keep you away from me. But I'm done now. You're the one Humera."

"What if I say no?", I teased him, while a slight smirk played across my lips, but on the inside curiosity killed me. I really wanted to know what he'd do. Go to another girl?

"Then I will be after you until you say yes, and then punish you for having said a 'no' the first time.", he spoke.

I was so caught up in my own thoughts that I almost missed his answer.

"Punish me?", I raised my eyebrows at him, as my lips curled into a frown.

He smirked, "I have ways Humera."

"What are you? A monster?.", I giggled.

"I wouldn't mind being called a monster Humera, if it ensures that you'll be mine.", he said, suddenly his tone turning into a serious one.

I didn't answer. A blush covered my cheeks, and dirty thoughts invaded my mind.

"Done?", he asked, breaking me out of my not so decent thoughts.

After paying the bill, we walked out of the restaurant in silence.

Does he really want me to be his? Or am I going to be just another one of his girls. I took a quick glance at Shehryaar, and a blush covered my cheeks immediately when I found his eyes on me.

"What happened?", he smirked, "You're red."

I nudged his arm, "Shutup, I'm not."

Just as he was about to say something the elevator doors opened, and I walked out. I could feel Shehryaar right behind me when we walked into the room and before I knew it, his arm snaked around my waist pulling me in closer.

Lies & Secrets - DHOOMBROSTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang