Chapter 9

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I walked to my room, shakily not making sense out of all this. Shehryaar knew. I only realized this now. He knew I wasn't Hussain's girlfriend and that I was only pretending.

I closed the door behind me breathing a sigh of relief.

What was Shehryaar Asif thinking? What did he want from me?

There was something about him. If any other guy had done something like this I'm pretty sure I would've murdered him by now. But Shehryaar? No matter how hard I tried...I couldn't stop myself from kissing him. I enjoyed every second of that kiss. Why was he doing this to me?

"Humera?", I heard him call from the other side of the door.

"What do you want?", I asked.

"Open the door. I need my clothes.", he said knocking on the door.

My lips slowly turned into a curve, smiling, I opened the door. "Hussain!", I pounced on him, giving him a big hug. "I'm so glad you're back!"

Taken aback from my sudden animal like behavior, he asked, "You okay?"

"Yes! You don't know how relieved I am to see you!", I exclaimed.

"Humi?", he pulled himself back and stared at me in the eyes with concern. "Is everything fine?"

That concern of his did more harm than good. Instead of making me feel protected, it made me feel guilty for kissing his brother. I wasn't Hussain's girlfriend, but being his best friend it was almost like I betrayed him.

"Humiiii", he grabbed me by my shoulders "Whats wrong yaar? Aaj kal itni khoyi khoyi kyu rehti ho?"

Unable to answer him, I tried to look away hoping he'd let go.

"Humera! Jawab do.", he was to persistent on making me answer him.

"Nothing.", I lied.

"Fine. Then cheer up. Shehry's coming over for dinner."

My eyes widened at that statement of his. He saw the surprise in my eyes and scratched the back of his head.

"I know its your house and I should've asked you before but he kinda just self invited know!"

I sighed, "Uhh Hussain...I hate you!"

"I know. I love you to Humi darling!", he said pecking at my right cheek.

I pushed him back, "Tum kabhi nahi sudhroge."

His lips curled up into a wide, playful smirk, "Yeh umar sudhar ne ki nahi madam...bigar ne ki hai."

I patted his forehead as I spoke, "Magar itna bhi mat bigro ki sudhar nahi pao gey."

He chuckled, "Abhi to hum bigre hi nahi aur tumhey sudharney ki pari hai."

That automatically brought a smile to my face. This is why he was my bestfriend. No matter what or how my mood was, he always found ways to make me smile.

I hope we remain best friends forever!

"Did you say something?", he asked, making me wonder of spoke out loud.

"No", is shrugged, "Nothing."

"Okay then.. lets bake cupcakes.", he chirped out of nowhere...

"Cupcakes?", I burrowed my eyes in confusion, and he smiled.

"Yup! Cupcakes! I'm in mood for some cupcakes."

I raised my hands and surrendered, "I don't know how to bake cupcakes."

Lies & Secrets - DHOOMBROSTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang