Chapter 12

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We drove back home in silence. Today, I saw a side to Shehryaar that I had never imagined. The love I saw for Dave in his eyes, was out of this world. His love was Dave was way more than his love for his own family. At least that's what I believed.

But Dave only had two months more to live. What would happen when he's gone? Was Shehryaar prepared for it?

Right then a touch on my hand brought me back into reality. I looked at my hand only to find Shehryaar's hand engulfed over mine. He didn't seem to notice it though. It felt as if he was confiding in me. A blush covered my cheeks, and for some weird reason it made me feel special.

"I've never told anyone about them. Not even Hussain.", he spoke after a while. "Not even my parents."

"Why?", I burrowed my eyebrows.

He turned to me, "That's what I prefer."

"Because everyone thinks of you as a dark, cold man and you don't want to change it.", I blurted instantly, but guilt suppressed me as soon as he glared at me. I decided to change the topic, hoping to make him feel better. "So why'd you take me then?"

He concentrated on his driving, and didn't answer me. I wasn't surprised. I wasn't expecting an answer from him anyways.

"I don't know.", he sighed.

"What?", I looked at him in surprise

"I don't know why I took you there..", he said as his fist clenched tighter around the steering wheel.

"Do you regret it?", I asked him.

"No", he replied immediately. "I don't! I'm sure they all loved you there. Especially Dave."

I smiled, turning away. A blush slowly covered my cheeks as I looked out of the window. My brain was sending signals to my heart saying 'DANGER', but my heart was already far beyond caring at that point.

"Humera..", he started to say something but almost immediately was cut off as his phone started reading.

I watched him as his entire mood changed all of a sudden. It felt as if he was a totally different person. He became sterner. All of a sudden he soft Shehryaar was gone. That wa Shehryaar Asif, the cold man.

"Smith.", he spoke in a blunt tone.

"What the fuck? I want you to get back at it right now!", he yelled, "I don't care...just do it! Do you understand? Yeah.....keep me posted!"

I sensed his anger. He seemed really annoyed.

I wanted to ask him what it was that was bothering him, but I didn't want to seem all up in his personal space.

I asked quietly, "Is everything fine?", not knowing what else to say.

"Yeah.", he replied, "We're here."

I frowned upon looking out. We weren't home. We were at a restaurant. I quickly got out, trying to suppress my surprised expression.

"Why are we here?" I whispered to him as he walked towards me. He didn't answer, instead he grabbed my hand and pulled my closer to him, making me gasp.

We walked inside, and I never felt as out of place as I did that day. The entire place screamed sophistication, which I certainly was not.

I wasn't even dressed appropriately for that place, and I only realized that when all eye stared at me as the manager took us to our table.

I wish the ground would swallow me right there. I couldn't have been more embarrassed.

He handed us the menus, but even before I could even look at the menu, Shehryaar spoke, "We'll have the Steak Tartare please."

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