extra chapter; ix

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Reyna was glad Jason was sleeping in her bed tonight. Every demi-god got horribly vivid nightmares, but since had woken up for her Gaia-induced-coma sleeping soundly had become impossible. But having Jason with her made the nights easier.

"Two hot chocolates please,"
Jason handed Reyna her hot chocolate, with marshmallows and sprinkles of cinnamon. She usually disproved of such things, but she was grateful for the gesture of Jason's behalf. (She was also grateful for the extra sugar, as the ambrosia hadn't been doing much for her.)
"So," Jason started.
"So," Reyna sighed in reply.
"I just have to ask, what was up in that dream of yours?"
Reyna sighed again, grimacing. "It was just a dream – it doesn't matter,"
Jason didn't want to pry but he couldn't help raising an eyebrow at her nonetheless. "How much did you see, anyway?" Reyna tried not to cringe at her own question. "Just you and a dream version of myself," Here Reyna actually shuddered. "Please don't think any lower of me. It was silly and immature – a creation of Gaia,"
"So your feelings for me are a creation of Gaia?" Jason wasn't looking directly at her, for which she was quite grateful as she had gone a bit red.
"My feelings for you don't matter," She paused, debating whether to go on. "As I said, it was just a dream – nothing of importance,"

"Dreams are based off of things we've felt or seen before, y'know," Jason murmured.
She shook her head, running a finger over the brim of her mug. "You have Piper, anyway."
Still not looking at her, Jason shook his head slightly. "Piper and I aren't a thing. I don't think we ever were, to be frank. I do love her, don't get me wrong, but not like that." There was a pregnant pause. "I think I've only ever felt like that for one."
Reyna sipped at her hot chocolate.
"Ah, anyway. I-I've really missed this, you know – us. I mean us hanging out," She hid her smile at Jason's flustering.

"I've always thought we could have taken on the world before the disappearance incident," Reyna piped up.
"Yeah – we could've had it all," Jason smiled a small smile, reminiscing.

"Who says we can't?" Reyna breathed, bringing her dark eyes to meet his blue ones.

To every shade there were ten more shades abaft it, and Jason's eyes were the perfect kind of electric blue for him. Striking yet soft. Not the electric shock that paralyzed you or crawled under your muscles, but the kind that made your blood dance.

Jason reached across the table and took her hand. Reyna smiled and laced her fingers with his.

Jason's Reyna. Reyna's Jason.

Together at last.

Jeyna: We Could've Had It All // ADVANCEMENTWhere stories live. Discover now