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"How long has her nose been bleeding? I swear it wasn't bleeding last time I was here,"
Jacob took a damp cloth and wiped at his Praetor's nose and chin. "She's been asleep for three days now, Bobby. She's getting worse." He turned to face Bobby directly over Reyna's sleeping form. "I think we should let Jason know,"
"But we can't let Octavian know that Reyna is... not all here at the moment. Otherwise he'll seize the Camp and do something humongously stupid,"
The two Roman campers looked at each other, worried before agreeing to Iris message Jason at Camp Jupiter's Greek sister camp, Camp Half-Blood.
While Bobby went to distract Octavian, alternatively make sure the Apollo legacy stayed distracted, Jacob went to go and Iris message Jason at the fountain. The young camper hadn't been expecting much, since communications with the gods had been down in this time of pre-war agitation, but the goddess seemed to sense his desperation and the importance behind this message as a tall girl in an orange t-shirt said, rather testily, "Yeah?"
"Er, erm, is Jason Grace there?" The girl narrowed her eyes at Jacob before looking to her left and saying, "Hold on a sec," and disappearing out of the rainbow's frame. The son of Jupiter appeared, smiling at Jacob, "Hey, Jake, what's up?"
"Well, we don't really know, it's just that Reyna's been in a sort of coma for three days, and she has these sporadic heavy nosebleeds and mumbles violently and Octavian is trying to undermine Reyna, even though he doesn't know that she's in a coma, and it's getting more difficult to keep it from him and without a coherent Praetor, Camp is just getting more and more chaotic and of course Octavian is thriving in it and-"
"Clovis! CLOVIS!" Jason had looked increasingly worried the more Jacob had talked before he interrupted him. "He's head of the Hypnos cabin, son of the god himself – if anyone's able to help us, he will A sleepy, baby cow looking boy ambled into Jacob's field of vision of CHB. "Jacob, listen:" Jason turned to the milky-blonde haired boy, Clovis, "Clovis, have you heard of something like this?" He picked out the key points of Jacob's ramble. The boy looked like he had fallen asleep standing up, but opened his lidded eyes. It took him a hot minute to nod clumsily. "From what I know, it sounds like a powerful being trapped her in a dream world. Persons in this situation are really difficult to wake up, especially if they've been under for over forty eight hours" The boy paused before slightly cocking his head and looking at Jacob through the rainbow, "Why do you ask?"
"A powerful being?" Jacob echoed as his mind whirred in thought, "Could that mean Gaia?" A worried look registered across Jason's face and gave Clovis a penetrating stare, the boy seemed to wake up a little more at being on the receiving end of Jason's harsh stare, "What can we do to help? Even if it isn't Gaia that has trapped Reyna in her sleep, we have to wake Reyna up," The desperation in his voice was evident. There were two minutes of miserable silence before the Clovis boy piped up again, "Well, I don't want to get anyone's hopes up," Jason's eyes brightened and he edged closer to Clovis, "Er, well, if someone significant, or important, to Reyna were to astral project – dream travel, that is – into her dream world, they could wake her up."
"Great! We'll go and do that; Clovis, if you would just-"

Jacob glanced at the son of Hypnos and the bud of hope for his Praetor that had been growing suddenly wilted at the sad look on Clovis's face. "Hang on, Jason," Jason looked at Clovis and he, too, seemed to wilt. "It's just that – well, say if I put you to sleep and astral projected you into Reyna's dream world, you could also get trapped there. Or even if you don't get trapped and come out of the sleep physically unharmed, you could still sustain some mental injuries, like to your sanity..." The weight of Clovis's words hung between the three of them. But Jason seemed to have been hit by a hundred ton weight when Clovis added, "A-and also, if I'm correct, and you're correct in assuming it is the Earth Mother that we're dealing with, then this Reyna will need to be woken up b-before midnight on All Hallows Eve or she'll be lost to us forever."     

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