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**contains the lightest of smut ;)**

Reyna awoke the next morning bright-eyed and raring to go. Forcing herself to calm down, the Praetor of Camp Jupiter got dressed and walked down to the dining pavilion, eager to see Jason, but trying not to show it. Then the thought strook her as to how Jason would act towards her when they saw each other – was the kiss a fluke, a heat of the moment type thing? It certainly hadn't felt that way, but Reyna didn't know how Jason felt, even if she did know him better than she knew herself.

But she didn't have to wait long, as the son of Jupiter caught her eye and motioned that she come and sit next to him. Not wanting to be rude, she took up his offer and sat down slowly next to him. "Hi," he said.
"Hi," she replied, a little awkwardly.
Jason started to speak, but , son of Venus, came up to the two of them and spoke first. "I hope you guys are talking about the Hallowe'en party – we need to run the final décor plans past you guys!"
Utterly confused, Reyna laughed gently, "Pardon?"
Michael rolled his eyes, "Don't tell me you've forgotten, Reyna! We've been planning this for weeks!"
"When did this happen?" She lowered her voice to Jason. He found her hand under the table and squeezed it – sending butterflies to burst throughout her stomach – before he replied, in an equally low voice, "You seriously don't remember?" Reyna looked at him blankly, the feeling that something was off was back, but she couldn't concentrate on an off feeling when campers had been planning a Hallowe'en party. "Well, some guys proposed a Hallowe'en party, as it was traditionally a way to ward off evil and the guys argued that we could always do with warding off evil-"
"Wait – what evil?" She was suddenly more aware of her off feeling.
Giving her a peculiar look, Jason continued, "Er, you know – evil. But we seem to be under a blessing from the gods," he smiled up at the heavens. "Anyway, you okayed it a couple of weeks back and plans have been underway ever since,"

Michael narrowed his eyes at the too and fro between the Praetors. "We're still having this party, right?"
"Er, I guess so, yeah," She slowly nodded her head thinking It's only a party.
Michael flashed his brilliant smile and he spent the rest of the breakfast hour talking over party plans for the 31st.

The day was quite productive – Reyna spent the day planning war games for the following day. She was watching the leaves turn orange in the crisp air when there was a knock at her door. "Hey, Jacob," She gave him a small smile feeling a little deflated that it wasn't Jason that had come to call. "Aren't you on duty?"
The small boy shook his head slightly, "I-er, I'm just dropping this off for you," He dropped a piece of folded paper on her desk and bowed out of the room.
Frowning slightly at the unorthodox meeting with Jacob, Reyna snatched up the note and unfolded it, greeted by a familiar [stocky] script:


Meet me at Temple Hill, midnight 


Unable to help the small smile that adorned her face at Jason's note, Reyna subconsciously clutched the note to her chest.

It was quarter to twelve in the evening and the Praetor was stood, hands on hips, regarding herself in the mirror. Reyna didn't usually spend time critiquing her appearance in the mirror, aside from to make sure her appearance was tidy and in order – she had to set an example for her campers. But tonight, she had been careful to pick out matching underwear, a clean T-shirt and pair of grey shorts, fingering her soft black plait and wondering why she suddenly put deliberation into her appearance for a meeting with Jason. Not wanting her mind to wander, or to keep the son of Jupiter waiting, Reyna needlessly brushed herself off and set off for Temple Hill.

Golden hair caught in the dimming lights of New Rome, Jason turned and smiled as Reyna approached. "Bang on midnight - your punctuality is downright sexy," He grinned, hands in his pockets as Reyna raised her eyebrows and beat back a blush. "Aw, Rey, what happened to your pyjamas?"
She rolled her eyes, smiling slightly as she interrupted Jason's smirk, "Why did you want to meet, again after lights out? We're not setting a very good Praeortal example, are we?"
Returning her smile with a shrug, Jason said, "We're too busy during the day to actually talk to each other properly during the day, especially with war games on the horizon,"
"Which I hope you've been suitably preparing to be crushed in tomorrow," Reyna crossed her arms over her chest, smirking. She had been planning this month's war games since ten minutes after last month's games had finished. "Anyway, what are we out for, aside from 'to talk properly'," It came out in a heavily snide way, which she didn't mean to be. But she and Jason had been friends long enough for him to know not to take her tone to heart. Holding out his hand, Jason just said, "Walk with me," Taking note that there was no one around, Reyna took Jason's hand and allowed herself to relax a little.
It was easy to talk to Jason, and the two were chattering endlessly, wandering without a destination in mind, the two came to a stop at the Garden of Bacchus, her favourite spot in Camp Jupiter. When they had first arrived at Camp, the two used to sneak out to the garden and meditate in there or sit and talk.
Their conversation had reached a natural lull and Reyna was avoiding looking at Jason, but she could feel him looking at her. "Are you okay, Reyna?"
She nodded, but his gaze was unwavering and she found herself murmuring, "We haven't been alone together since the midnight madness," There was a moment of silence before Jason chuckled softly and hugged her close. "We did leave a bit of unfinished business, didn't we?"
Before the two could comprehend what was happening, the two's lips had found each other's and it was just like the night of the midnight madness, a spark was glowing inside of her, and soon the two were entwined together as one. After a lifetime, the two broke apart, if only it was a couple of centimeters, a little breathless. In mutual agreement, they flew back to Jason's villa and has resumed their embrace on Jason's bed. Where their kisses by the Garden were gentle, their kisses in the villa were feverish as years of bottled up emotions were uncorked and bled out. Jason's shirt had found itself on the floor, and now so had Reyna's. Their legs tangled together, the two took each other in: Jason was toned and warm to her touch, his hair a little disheveled from her finger's running through it; Reyna was as equally toned, and her plait had come undone, her hair encompassing them both – Jason was looking at her in respectful awe and she wrapped her legs around him tighter as he placed gentle kisses up her arm and neck. She nuzzled his neck and inhaled; he smelt of agitation in the air before a storm, the crisp, refreshing winds of autumn and slightly of leather. Bringing her lips up to meet his, she nibbled his lower lip, where his scar from trying to eat a stapler resided. Sighing softly, she found her hands fingering the waistline of Jason's jeans, Jason's own hands running gently up and down her legs, and he let out a shiver of desire as her hands slipped under the waistline and felt him deeply groan, slightly.

And soon it was just small pieces of cloth between the two from becoming one, their embrace becoming more and more desirous and heated by the second. Soft moans and sighs escaped their mouths as the two became one. The spark in Reyna's chest was kindled with every kiss and touch, until it exploded in a shower of delight.

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