Time skip to just after Charlotte gives birth. I know, I know. I have writer's block and this isn't supposed to be a long story. Forgive me, or don't. It's up to you.

"You did great baby." Ben said, kissing my forehead. I paid little attention to him, seeing as I was staring down at my beautiful baby boy sleeping peacefully in my arms.

"He's beautiful, Ben." I murmured, not wanting to wake Bentley up.

"Just like you. You should get some rest." Ben said, reaching for Bentley. I glared up at him and let out a growl I didn't even know I had in me.

"Don't touch my baby. Not yet." Ben looked taken aback, and stepped away from me.

"I'm sorry. I should've known better than to mess with a protective mother." I laid back on the bed and placed Bentley on my chest.

"You're welcome to join us, as long as you don't take him." I yawned, pulling the thin hospital blanket over Bentley and I.

"No, I'm going to let you rest. Do you need anything?" He asked, taking my hand and kissing my knuckles.

"More blankets. It's cold." I shivered slightly.

"Of course, I'll be right back." He got up and left the room, but I was already asleep before he got back.


"Baby." Ben's voice pulled me out of my sleep state. I didn't feel Bentley on my chest and my eyes snapped wide open.

"Where is he?" I frantically asked.

"Baby, baby relax. A nurse took him a few minutes ago. She'll bring him right back." I ignored him and stared at the door. An unidentified nurse walked in, Bentley in her arms.

"Give me my son." I demanded. She lowered her head and handed Bentley to me.

"No one takes him without my permission, got it?" I asked, looking at Ben.

"Yes, I'm sorry." He muttered, looking away from me. Bentley kicked in my arms, pulling my attention from Ben to Bentley. His blue eyes were open, and he was giving my a cute, toothless smile.

"Hi, baby." I cooed, smiling down at him. I kissed his nose, causing him to let out a small squeal.

"Yeah, he's definitely going to be a mamma's boy." I heard. I looked up from my baby and saw Amelia standing at the door.

"Yes, he'll always be a mamma's boy." I said, motioning for her to come in. She sat on at the foot of the hospital bed and smiled at Bentley.

"So, who are his godparents?" She asked with a knowing grin.

"Mr. and Mrs. Obama." I said, keeping a straight face.

"What?" She asked, glaring up at me. 

"I'm kidding! You, of course, are his god mother. And Dylan is his god father." 

"Really? Dylan?" She asked, giving me a look of disbelief.

"Why do you say it like that? He helped a lot during the pregnancy, and with the new house. Despite his silliness, he's a really nice person, and the perfect role model for Bentley." I explained.

"Alright, I guess. Enough of that. Let me hold the baby!" She reached out, but was stopped by Ben.

"I wouldn't if I were you. She's a mother to a werewolf, she's very protective. I haven't even held him yet." Ben warned as I glared at Amelia's outstretched arms. She pulled them back to her sides quickly, and sent me a sheepish smile.

"I can wait." She squeaked.

"Okay, I'm going to need you to go. Bentley is hungry, and I need to feed him." I said, shooing Amelia out.

"How can you tell he's hungry?" She asked, standing up.

"She feels what he feels. It's like a super enhanced mother instinct. It'll be there until he shifts." Ben explained, walking her to the door. As soon as she was out of the room, he closed the door and I started feeding Bentley.


"Alright baby, doctor says you can go home. But, I'm not to let you out of bed unless it's to relax in the bath, or if you absolutely need to use the bathroom." Ben said, pushing a wheelchair into the hospital room.

"I'm not sitting in that. I can walk." I said, turning my nose up at the wheelchair.

"Baby, a werewolf pregnancy takes a huge toll on a human body. It's going to take time before you're 100%, and I need you to be taken care of." Ben tried, looking at me with a sad look on his face.

"Honestly, Ben. I can walk."

"Charlotte, please." Xavier's voice broke through Ben's and I sighed.

"Fine, but you're going to make me the best goddamn tacos you've ever made when we get home." I mumbled, getting off of the hospital bed. I was wearing loose sweat pants, and a large sweater that belongs to Ben. I scooped Bentley out of his temporary bed and sat with him in the wheel chair.

"Thank you, baby." Ben beamed.

"I hope you know that I will hate every second of this, and you'll pay for it later." I glared. He rolled his eyes at me and wheeled me out of the room.

"You know I do this because I love you." He said, pushing me through the lobby of the pack's hospital.

"You have a funny way of showing your love for me." He pushed to within three feet of his car and I stood up.

"I'm going to ride with Bentley in the backseat. Is that okay? Great." I rushed, not giving him a second to respond. I pulled open the car door, sliding past the car seat and sitting in the middle. 

"I love that this isn't the family car. You didn't drive us here in the Hummer, like I suggested." I said, buckling little Bentley up in the car seat.

"This is the first and last time we'll drive Bentley in this car while he still has this car seat." Ben said, shaking his head at me.

"Better be." I mumbled, making sure Bentley's car seat is secure. Ben got in the driver's seat and started the car.

"Drive slowly." I pleaded.

"Now, Charlotte. Where's the fun in that?" Ben teased.

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