Amelia's POV

"You're my mate." The red haired beauty said, pulling me into her arms.

"I'm your what?" I asked, feeling completely clueless.

"Excuse me, can I have my best friend back? I'd like to explain what's happening." The redhead growled, literally growled, at Charlotte.

"Easy, Chloe. Growl at her one more time, and you'll regret not allowing Charlotte to explain this to Amelia." Ben snarled, glaring up at Chloe. I felt somewhat angry at the look he was giving her, but pushed that aside when Chloe let me go.

"Fine, I'll be in the kitchen." She snapped, stomping off to the kitchen.

"Sit with me, Lia." Uh-oh. That nickname only comes out when she knows something might set me off.

"Okay." I said slowly, sinking down beside Charlotte.

"Um, okay." She started. She glanced at the TV and her eyes lit up.

"You know Garth?" She said, pointing at the TV. I nodded, feeling my eyes squint in confusion.

"Yeah, what about Garth?" I ask. Charlotte tore her gaze from the TV and smiled softly at me.

"Well, like Garth, Ben, Dylan, and Michael are werewolves. There are more, I'm sure, but these are the one's I've met." She said, nervously picking at her black nail polish.

"You, they, what?" I stuttered.

"Ben can shift into this beautiful black wolf, and I haven't seen Michael and Dylan, but I know Ben would never lie to me." She hesitantly lifted her head and searched my face for something.

"Like, big furry Twilight wolves?" I asked, causing Charlotte to giggle.

"Yeah, like big fluffy furry Twilight wolves. And they're sweet too." She said, glancing up at Ben.

"And Chloe is a werewolf too?" Saying her name caused butterflies to erupt in my stomach. Charlotte nodded and opened her mouth to say something, but Ben grabbed her hand.

"I think we should let Chloe explain the next part." He said, pulling Charlotte to her feet.

"Yeah, okay." She nodded, helping me off the floor and nudging me towards the kitchen.

"What do I even say?" I asked, giving my best friend and her, werewolf, a panicked look.

"Just go in there and wait, she'll talk." Ben said, casting a knowing glance to the kitchen. I stumbled my way into the kitchen, feeling nervous all of a sudden. When I reached the kitchen, I saw Chloe leaning over a counter top. And then, I did what I always do when I'm nervous.

"You're the hottest werewolf I've ever seen." I blurt out the first thing that come to mind. Chloe looks up from the counter top and gives me a smirk.

"You're quite, blunt, aren't you?" She asked, eyeing me up and down. I suddenly felt self-conscious, looking down at my outfit. I was wearing black skinny jeans, a flowy purple top, and I had my hair down. I bet my mascara was all over the place from crying earlier, and with that thought, I turned my gaze to the floor.

"When I'm nervous, I say the first thing that comes to mind." I mumbled, finding my converse suddenly very interesting.

"I make you nervous?" Chloe asked, sounding accomplished.

"I don't know what it is, but yes. You make me very nervous." I admit, looking up at her through my hair.

"Can I explain why I make you nervous?" She asked, looking nervous herself.

"You can try." I said, hopping up onto the counter beside her.

"Okay, this is going to sound ridiculous and absolutely insane, but please hear me out." She pleaded. I looked into her brown eyes and felt my trust issues melt away. I nodded at her, and she sighed.

"You are my mate. Do you know what a mate is?" I shook my head.

"Of course you don't. Couldn't you make this any easier, Goddess?" She asked no one in particular.

"Okay, mate is a shortened term for soulmate. A werewolves soulmate is that wolf's other half. A mate calms an angry wolf, makes a depressed wolf the happiest creature alive, and can ease a wolf's insecurities. My wolf, Becca, smelled you from miles away, and pushed me into Alpha's house. She sensed you before I could, and thank goddess she did, because I was beginning to think I'd never find my mate, and here you are." She breathed.

"It feels amazing to get all that out, and just having you sitting here, listening to me, makes me and my wolf so happy." She grinned. Her smile sent a warmness in my heart I'd never felt before, and I couldn't help but smile back.

"It's a coincidence you found me here, today." I laughed humorlessly. Chloe's smile disappeared, and she placed a hand on my knee.

"What do you mean, beautiful?" She asked, concern laced in her voice. Her pet name for me made me feel tingly inside, but I couldn't drop the subject.

"My boyfriend, sorry, ex-boyfriend, cheated on me. I broke up with him today, after I found him in the janitor's closet with another girl." I said. I felt her hand tighten around my knee and I looked up at her. She seemed angry, and she was shaking slightly.

"Chloe?" I asked. Her shaking ceased, and her grip on my knee loosened.

"That, that right there is what mate's do. I was ready to hunt your ex-boyfriend down and rip out his throat, but you just saying my name calmed me down." She smiled, making my heart rate skyrocket.

"Have you been with a girl before?" She asked, hopping up on the counter next to me.

"No, I've been closeted for a few years. My parent's don't accept who I am." I said, my gaze dropping again. Chloe reached under my chin and lifted my face to hers.

"I'm glad I'm your first." She breathed, her warm breath fanning my face.

"I'm glad you're my first too." I almost stuttered. Her brown eyes seemed to be staring into my soul, and unlike any other time anyone's ever done this, I let her. Her gaze flickered from one of my eyes to the other, before she slowly leaned in. I sharply inhaled as her lips touched my own. This feeling is nothing I've ever felt before. It felt li-

"Ben! Oh my God, Ben! Look, they're so cute!" Charlotte loudly cooed. I pulled away from Chloe and felt my cheeks turn red.

"Way to ruin a moment, Char." I said, trying to hide my blushing cheeks.

"What kind of best friend would I be if I hadn't ruined this moment?" She smirked. I rolled my eyes at her and smiled a genuine smile for the first time in a long time.

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