"I got you and Bentley home safely." Ben sighed, plopping down on the couch next to me.

"Yeah, but you still drove too fast." I glared at him, looking down at Bentley on my chest.

"Baby, Bentley will always be fine when he's with us. I would never put your life, or his, in any danger." Ben reassured. I sighed and let my glare fall.

"Fine. I'm sorry." I sighed.

"Don't be sorry, baby. You're going to be very protective for a while." Ben explained. 

"Can you make me tacos? After you help me upstairs?" I asked. Ben stood up and lifted me carefully into his arms. 

"Of course baby." He kissed my forehead and placed me on our bed.

"I'll be waiting for the tacos." I mumbled, pulling the blankets back and pulling them over Bentley and I.

"I'll be back." He said, leaving Bentley and I in bed.


Ben's POV

I left my fiance and son in our room, and made my way to the kitchen. I got all the stuff I needed to make tacos and started cooking. I plated two tacos for Charlotte and walked back up the stairs. 

I walked into our room quietly, in case Bentley was asleep. Turns out, both of them were asleep. I sighed and placed the tacos on a side table. I climbed into bed with them and wrapped my arms around Charlotte and Bentley.

"You're lucky I love you, or I'd have to rip your throat out for touching Bentley." Charlotte mumbled sleepily. 

"I know baby, just sleep." I kissed her forehead and looked down at Bentley. His eyes opened and he looked back up at me, his eyes shining silver.

"Baby, look at Bentley." I urged, smiling down at him. Charlotte's eyes snapped open and she looked down at Bentley.

"Hey honey." She cooed. Bentley's eyes met Charlotte's, and he whimpered, pressing himself to her chest.

"He recognized you as his mother and wants your comfort." I told her, feeling her tense. She relaxed and kissed the tip of Bentley's nose.

"You're alright, honey. Mamma's got you." She whispered. Bentley stopped whimpering and sighed contently.

"He's definitely a mamma's boy." I chuckled softly.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Charlotte grinned.


I know it's extremely short, but this is how I wanted to end the book. I can't think of a better way to end this story, seeing as it was supposed to stay a short book. Again, I'm sorry if you expected more, but thank you for reading.

~ _DreamingInsomniac_

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