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"I know it sounds crazy, but she's unbearable." I defended.

"Your mother is quite unbearable. What did she do?" My dad asked.

"Well, I came home late a few days ago and mom completely lost it. She did her scary calm voice and Ben sensed I was most likely going to get murdered and he offered to take me with him. And Adam came out of the house and told me he wanted to come with me, so I took him. She threatened to disown me, daddy. And then I came to see you a few hours ago and she almost kicked Ben out. So we both left. Mom has something against Ben, daddy. She really doesn't like him." I said, leaning back into Ben.

"Well, Ben seems like a really good guy." Dad said, smiling up at Ben.

"He is." I nodded.

"I thought I told you that the room was for family only." My mother snapped, walking into the room.

"Karen, leave the boy alone." My dad said.

"I don't want anyone but family in here."

"And I say it's okay for our daughter's boyfriend to be in here."

"Boyfriend? And is that a tattoo?" My mom screeched, glaring daggers at my neck.

"Yes mother. Ben is my boyfriend, and I got a tattoo." I sighed.

"You're getting it removed right after you break up with Benjamin." She snapped, nearly ripping me from the chair I was firmly planted in.

"I'm not getting it removed, and I'm not breaking up with Ben. Daddy, I love you, but I don't want to be here with her." I said, glaring at my mother.

"Charlotte May, if you walk out that door-" My mother started.

"You will do nothing to upset the happiness of my daughter, Karen. She will not be disowned by this family, is that understood?" My dad said, his voice hard.

"George, she's out of control." My mother countered, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Me? I'm not out of control. I finally decide to have more friends than just Amelia, and you act like I've killed Adam. Ben makes me happy, and I refuse to sacrifice any more of my happiness to please you." I laughed humorlessly, standing from the chair I was seated in.

"Call me with updates on your condition, okay? I love you." I said, kissing my dad's cheek. I grabbed Ben's hand and pushed past my mother. She stumbled a bit, but caught herself. I pulled Ben out of the hospital and climbed into his car.

"Are you okay?" Ben asked, placing his hand on my thigh.

"She's just so infuriating. I can't handle her demands anymore, Ben." I huffed.

"You won't have to baby. You live with me, and I'd never ask you to give up your happiness for mine. I love you." We stopped at a red light and he leaned across the center console, planting a kiss on my temple.

"I love you too." I said, grabbing his hand from my thigh.

"Good." He leaned back into his seat and grinned.

"I want you to introduce me to the rest of your pack." I said, playing with Ben's fingers.

"Okay, I can do that."

"Oh, and what is a Luna?" I asked.

"A Luna is the alpha male's mate. She helps her mate run the pack. Your job as a Luna is to provide a pack their next alpha, which we can get to when you're ready. No pressure. And your other jobs include being a mother to the pack, which is why the warriors are so protective of you, and you should help with tending to the orphaned pack children." Ben said, parking his Hummer in his driveway. He opened his door and raced to my side.

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