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I woke up this morning without a negative though in my head. I thought I was going to wake up this morning and spend the day getting ready for graduation. I thought I was going to walk the stage, get my diploma, and finally get out of high school. By the end of the day today, I expected to be a high school graduate and a business owner.

The last place I expected to be was a hospital room.

Let me back up a bit.


"Charlotte! It's graduation day!" Amelia shouted, jumping on top of Ben and I.

"Hi. Yeah, I know. I barely slept last night because I couldn't decide which shoes to wear." I groaned, sitting up in bed.

"Well, you're parents are gone from their house, and you have a key. Let's go raid your closet before graduation tonight." Amelia shrugged.

"Oh my god, I hadn't thought of that. I was ready to spend all of Ben's money on some new shoes." Ben sat up quickly and stared down at me.

"No, you're not allowed to spend my money on shoes." Ben shuddered.

"But babe, shoes are a girls second best friend." I whined.

"What's a girls first best friend?" Ben asked.

"Diamonds." Amelia grinned.

"Oh, moon goddess help me." Ben groaned, throwing himself back down on the bed.


"Wear this dress and these shoes and let me do your hair." Amelia said, tossing a red and black dress and some Louboutin's.

"I have the perfect eye shadow and lipstick for this." I said, laying the dress out on my bed.

"Perfect, I'll get the curling iron." Amelia squealed, racing to my bathroom. I followed after her and sat in my styling chair.

"Excellent, let's get this done."


An hour later, my hair was in perfect curls, and Amelia was just about bursting at the seams with glee.

"You look so good!" She squealed for the billionth time.

"If you squeal anymore, I'm going to have to call you little pig." I teased, reaching for my makeup box.

"No, I'll stop squealing." Amelia said, placing her hand over her mouth. I expertly did my makeup, quickly and carefully winging my eyeliner.

"I'll never understand how you can do your eyeliner so quickly and make it look so good." Amelia shook her head at me.

"Okay, I'm going to put my dress on and then we can go to your house." Amelia nodded and I walked into my room. I slipped on the dress and the shoes, and grabbed a small side bag.

"Let's go." We walked downstairs and saw Ben laid out on the couch.

"Are you girls re- whoa." Ben breathed, looking me up and down.

"Yes, yes. I'm flawless, let's go." I rushed, checking the time on my phone.

"If we don't leave now we'll be late for graduation." I claimed, racing out of the house.

"Fine, let's go." Amelia said, pulling Ben off the couch and shoving him out the door. We climbed into Ben's Hummer and Ben drove us towards Amelia's house.

Suddenly my phone started vibrating. I picked it up and checked the caller I.D.

Mom is calling...

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