Charlotte's POV

It's been a few days since I left Ben's. I'd been staying at my dad's place with Belle and Michael. My dad had been out of the country on business, and wouldn't be home for a few weeks. During my stay here, nothing could cheer me up. Amelia comes over every day and watches a bunch of happy Disney movies with me, Belle, and Michael, but that doesn't help. Ben and Jerry's doesn't help either. The fact that my baby was growing inside of me doesn't help. 

The only thing that seems to cheer me up slightly is that Xavier still talks to me. He checks on me, and reports how Ben is doing. He doesn't need to though, considering why I feel so down is because Ben is upset.

I miss you. Xavier whined.

I can't help that. I want to go home, but I don't know if I'm ready. I sighed, rolling onto my side.

I'm going to tell Ben you're ready to see him. Xavier said.

Xavier, no. I mentally protested.

Too late, he's on his way over. Please don't shut him out. We miss you. And he's really sorry, Charlotte.

I'll hear him out and we'll go from there. I thought. I laid in bed, under piles of blankets waiting for Ben to get here. After a few minutes, my bedroom door was slammed open and I was pulled out of bed. Ben wrapped me in his arms and breathed in my scent.

"Goddess, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry and I don't expect you to forgive me, but I'm sorry. I missed you so much and when Xavier came back in my head and told me you were willing to see me, I drove like a madman to make sure you were okay." He pulled away from me and held me an arms length away from him. 

"You are okay, right?" He asked, looking me over for injuries.

"I'm fine," I started, wrapping my arms around his waist. "I just missed you. I forgive you, Ben. She was in the past, and I overreacted."

"You reacted just fine, baby. I missed you too." He said, kissing my forehead.

"I'm ready to come home." I breathed, squeezing his waist.

"Yeah, yeah I'll get your stuff together. And you can get Belle's stuff together and we can go home." Ben said, tilting my face up to his. He leaned down and kissed me softly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and ran my fingers through his hair, deepening the kiss. He pulled away and feathered kisses on my face.

"I missed you so much. He said, hugging me tightly. I pulled away from him and actually looked at him. His hair was long and messy, and the stubble on his jaw indicated that he hadn't shaved since I left. He had dark bags under his eyes, and his blue eyes looked dull. He tilted his head to the side and gave me a confused look.

What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing, I just missed you too. All my stuff is on the floor and in the dresser. I'm going to help getting Belle's stuff together." I got on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek, walking out of my room to Belle's temporary room.

"Belle, get your stuff together. We're going home." I said. Isabelle, over the last few days, had grown from a twelve year old, to a fifteen year old.

 Isabelle, over the last few days, had grown from a twelve year old, to a fifteen year old

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