Sounds: Vylad (Lover's Lane)

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Vylad laid on the park bench, pinching the bridge of his nose as he did all he could to fall asleep, which normally wasn't a problem for him, but for some reason he couldn't fall asleep. He had fallen asleep in busy subways, airport parking lots, train cars, and park benches all over the place but for some reason tonight was one of the first nights he couldn't fall asleep.

Vylad had been struggling for the last few weeks, not just sleep though; it had been almost three days since he had been able to hold down food, sleep through the night, or keeping his mind clear of everything that was going on around him.

Vylad rolled onto his side, watching a Squirrel run up a nearby tree and into it's hole followed by loud squeaking noises. He tightly closed his eyes, with a heavy sigh, doing his best to relax as he pulled the sleeping bag onto his shoulder and listened to everything that was going on around him.

Cars could be heard in the distance, drunk teenagers loudly laughing, dogs barking, a few cats meowing, and a train horn echoed on the wind. All of them used to be comforting... but... not this time. It was weird and very uncomfortable. Though, silence would be terrifying.

He hated quiet, after Zane moved out things went really quiet, things at home fell apart... Garroth hadn't left home yet and their parents weren't ready to lose the middle child first. Garroth couldn't handle the quiet and left home soon after that leaving Vylad alone to deal with his parents. His mother spoiled him when he spent most of the time alone and while his father was never mean to him he never truly accepted Vylad, considering that he wasn't his biological son.

After Zane and Garroth were gone his dad... stopped talking to him all together, and even now Vylad hadn't gotten a letter, a phone call... anything from his father. Vylad called home once a week to tell his mom that he was alright, and called both his brothers so that they didn't freak out either, still though during all those calls his dad hardly said a word.

Vylad closed his eyes slowly, listening to the sounds again. Maybe a lot of noise would help him sleep better than the silence. Or, at least that's what he was hoping. If he couldn't sleep again tonight, he would probably go to Zane and Garroth... maybe they had some good tips on getting to sleep.  

Aphmau: ONESHOTSحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن