"Gray," she replies.
"I love you so god damn much!" I say. She buries her face into my chest.
"I love you too Grayson Dolan," Adella replies.

Soon Ethan came over with our bags.

"Come on guys! I wanna check in and get food," Ethan says.
"Come on Adella," I say grabbing her hand. We walk over to the taxi area.

Adella's POV

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Adella's POV

I was actually quite happy to be back in Canada. Being with the twins was so much fun. They were so entertaining to be around.

We checked into our hotel. There was two beds.

"Here you two sleep in that one, ill sleep in this one." Ethan exclaims sitting on the bed that was closest to the window.
"Fine by me!" Grayson says jumping on the other bed.
"Wanna go do somethin?" I asked with a grin.
"Well we have to do soundcheck at 4:30 and it's currently 8AM, I don't think much is going to be open." Ethan replied.
"We could go get something to eat in the lobby?" Grayson suggests.
"I'm down," I reply.

We make our way to the restaurant in the lobby. Suddenly fans come rushing up to the twins. I get pushed back into the hallway.

"Ugh," I walk into the restaurant while the boys are meeting fans. I decided to get myself a seat. This was going to be an interesting trip.

Grayson's POV

I saw Adella walk away and take a seat. I felt so bad because she's just like the extra little fan, except she's my girlfriend. She's always being pushed away by fans. I needed to do something about it.

Finally once everyone was finished taking photos with us, Ethan and I went and met up with Adella.

"Hey boo," I say.
"Hi Gray, Hi Eth." She replies.
"Sorry about that. I know it kinda sucks right," I reply.
"It's okay," Adella says. We began talking about the show and what kinda stuff we were going to preform.
"So I had this idea. Since I was here, I wanted to get a tattoo really badly." Adella exclaims.
"Really?" Ethan says.
"Yeah, I've wanted one forever, but I never had time and I didn't know what I wanted." Adella explains. "I finally know what I want though."
"We could go after this?" I suggest.
"Yeah!" Adella replies.

We finish eating and drive to a tattoo parlour place. I could tell that Adella was getting kinda nervous.
"What did you decide on getting?" I asked.
"That's a surprise!" She replied.

Adella's POV

We walked into the parlour. I knew that they wouldn't let me get started on the tattoo until I had parent permission. I was probably going to just call my mom and ask.

"You guys can wait here if you want," I say to the boys.
"Okay!" They reply.
I walked over to the front counter and a woman with many tattoos and piercings looked over at me.

"Hello," she said with an attitude.
"Um hey, I was wondering if I could get a tattoo?" I exclaimed.
"K," she just said. Wtf. The lady began typing something in on the computer.
"How old are you?" She asked.
"Sixteen," I replied.
"Since you are underage, you need a parents permission." She explained. I took my phone out and called my mom.

Mom: Hey sweetie!

Me: Hey, I'm at a tattoo parlour, and I need permission to get a tattoo

Mom: What?!

Me: Yeah, I'm in Toronto and I'm getting a tattoo. (laughs)

Mom: Well, if you want too you can. Just don't get something you regret!

Me: Okay love you!

My mom texted me after just confirming just so I could show the lady.

"Okay then. Have a seat!"

I went and sat down beside the boys.

"I don't like that girl," I said.
"What why?" Grayson said laughing.
"She's an asshole," I reply.
"Adella!" Ethan says.
"What? She had an attitude," I explain.

Soon a man comes around the corner. He looks about 20.

"Hey sweetheart!" He says. "I'm Evan, I'll be doing your tattoo." He looks me up and down and smiles.
"Okay!" I reply smiling. I look over at Grayson and I could tell he was getting jealous. His jaw tensed up and his grip tightened up.
"Don't worry Gray!" I insured him. I walked into the back and Evan was walking behind me. He put his hand on my lower back and directed me to the chair by his station.

"So what are we gonna do for you today?" Evan asked smiling at me.

Narrator: Uh oh. Don't get too close to Adella there Evan. You have no idea what would happen.

Authors Note:

I've been writing longer chapters, but not posted as often ❤️

The place i'm staying at doesn't have wifi and I don't want to use data lol 💕

Peace Out✌🏻️

Ps. You will see Adella's tattoo in the next part💚

Date: November 19th 2016

Time: 1:43PM

Words: 1,365💙

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