"Jason, I'm sorry. But I can't."

"Please? I'm begging you."

"Just stop. I can't date you. Just accept that." I hung up. I pulled into my driveway, got out of the car, and went inside and up to my room.

"Manicure time!" Riley said cheerfully as we walked out of her house. She hopped in the driver's seat of her car.

Alexa looked at me. "Do you want the front?"

"No. You can have it," I said.

"Are you sure?"


"Okay." She opened the door and slid in. I slid into the back seat.

The ride to the manicure place was... interesting. Alexa and Riley were singing along loudly and off-key to the music on the radio.

"Guys, you're so out of tune," I said laughing.

"That's the fun of it," Riley said.

"You should join us," Alexa said. They started singing loudly again. I continued to laugh at them. A few seconds later I decided to sing annoyingly too.

Finally we got to the manicure place. I jumped out of the car and we went inside. A while later we were seated. I chose to get my toenails painted purple and my fingernails painted blue.

"Whoa!" I said when I looked at Riley's nails once we were all done. She had gotten her fingernails painted orange with pink, black, and yellow polka dots. It looked so cool.

Alexa had gotten hers painted red. Like me, she didn't have any designs.

We already paid when we first got here so we just left and went back to Riley's house.

"Let's watch a movie," Riley said. She flopped down on the couch and grabbed the remote to the tv. She clicked on demand and searched through the movies.

All of a sudden my cell phone rang. "Hang on," I told Riley and Alexa. I went into the kitchen and pressed talk. "Hello?"

"Hey," I heard Gina's voice. It sounded like she was crying.

"Hey. What's wrong?" I asked, concerned.

"I-I have to get away from my house for a while. Do you think I could come over?"

"Um... Hang on." I covered the phone speaker with my hand went into the living room. "Could Gina maybe stay the night too? She doesn't want to stay home right now."

"Yeah, sure," Riley said.

"Okay." I put the phone back to my ear. "I'm hanging out with Riley and Alexa, but you can come over to Riley's."

"Oh. Okay. Thanks. I just need to get away from my family right now."

"Yeah. No problem. See you soon then."


I hung up and went back to the living room. They had turned off the tv. "Aren't we watching a movie?"

"No. We decided just to talk," Alexa said.


We talked about different stuff for a couple minutes. "So I was thinking about asking someone out..." Riley said.

I laughed. "Of course you are. You date a different guy every week. I'm surprised you didn't have a boyfriend at all this month." She glared at me. "Sorry. Who are you planning on asking out?"

She hesitated.

"Tell us!" Alexa demanded.

She sighed. "Ryan."

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